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Spirit and Power - Survey of Pentecostals in Nigeria




This file of respondents in Nigeria is part of a multi-country survey. The survey was commissioned by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life to investigate the religious, political, and civic views of renewalists (i.e., Pentecostals and Charismatics) around the world. An aggregate file of all ten nations of this multi-country survey is available at the ARDA. The project includes surveys in ten countries with sizeable renewalist populations: the United States; Brazil, Chile and Guatemala in Latin America; Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa in Africa; and India, the Philippines and South Korea in Asia. In each country, surveys were conducted among a random sample of the general public, with an oversample of renewalists, to yield sufficient sample sizes for analysis. Surveys in Nigeria were conducted by Research International Nigeria under the direction of Princeton Survey Research Associates International. The codebook reflects the results of the general public sample.

The ARDA has added six additional variables to the original data set to enhance the users' experience on our site.

Data File

Cases: 999
Variables: 133
Weight Variable: GPWGT and PENTWGT

Weight notes: GPWGT is the weight variable for analyzing general public samples in Nigeria. PENTWGT is the weight variable for analyzing renewalists in Nigeria.

Data Collection

May 15 - July 27, 2006

Funded By

Produced by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life with support from The Pew Charitable Trusts and The John Templeton Foundation.

Sampling Procedures

Face-to-face interviews were conducted under the direction of Princeton Survey Research Associates International.
Survey firm: Research International Nigeria
Sample design: National probability sample
Mode: Face-to-face with adults 18+
Languages: Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa and English
Sample size: General public - 650; Pentecostals - 483 (139 from the general public sample and 334 from the oversample of renewalists); Charismatics - 67 (62 from the general public sample and 5 from the oversample of renewalists)
Margin of error: General public 4%, Pentecostals 4%, Charismatics N/A (Due to the small number of Nigerian Charismatics surveyed, results for Nigerian Charismatics are not presented in Pew Forum reporting on this survey.)

Principal Investigators

Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life

Related Publications

The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life Report: Spirit and Power: A 10-Country Survey of Pentecostals, October 2007

Complete summary information is available at the website:

Methodology information is available at the website:

Notes on Analysis and Weighting for All Ten Countries in the Pentecostals Survey

(All text below provided by Pew Forum on Religion and Pubic Life.)

Since this dataset combines results from surveys conducted among the public at large in each country with results from surveys conducted among oversamples of renewalists in each country, users must exercise caution when analyzing the data to ensure that they have selected for the desired sample. To analyze results from the general public samples, users should select for those cases where the variable "sample" is equal to 1. To analyze results for renewalists, users should select for those cases where the variable "renewalist" is greater than 0.

Where necessary, survey results were weighted to match the demographic characteristics of the population in each country. The dataset contains two weight variables, GPWGT and PENTWGT. Analysis that focuses solely on the renewalist respondents should use PENTWGT, which provides a non-zero weight for all renewalist respondents in both the general public and oversamples. Non-renewalist respondents have a weight of zero on PENTWGT.

Analysis that focuses on the general public in each of the countries, irrespective of whether a given respondent is a renewalist or not, should use GPWGT. This weight allows for estimates of the proportion of renewalists in the general public or in subgroups of the general public. The renewalists interviewed as part of the overamples have a weight of zero on GPWGT and thus are excluded from this type of analysis using the general public sample.

There is no weight variable that combines the renewalist oversamples with the full general population samples in each country, nor is there a weight variable that combines the ten countries into a single international sample.

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