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Religion and Public Life Survey, 2003 - Codebook

All Frequencies weighted by 137) WEIGHT;
(The number of missing cases reported in the codebook are unweighted)

1) Respondent ID (RESP)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
2) Time zone (TIMEZONE)
1) Eastern 46.8
2) Central 31.5
3) Mountain 4.4
4) Pacific 17.3
3) Original start date (ODATE)
1) July 1, 2003 8.2
2) July 2, 2003 7.1
3) July 3, 2003 6.5
7) July 7, 2003 5.4
8) July 8, 2003 2.8
24) June 24, 2003 6.9
25) June 25, 2003 15.6
26) June 26, 2003 12.1
27) June 27, 2003 8.7
28) June 28, 2003 8.0
29) June 29, 2003 9.4
30) June 30, 2003 9.3
4) Original time start relative to interviewer (OTIME)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
5) Original time start relative to respondent (OTIMER)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
6) Original number of attempts (OATTMPT)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
7) Original interviewer day of week (ODOW)
1) Sunday 9.4
2) Monday 14.7
3) Tuesday 17.9
4) Wednesday 22.7
5) Thursday 18.6
6) Friday 8.7
7) Saturday 8.0
8) Current start date (CDATE)
1) July 1, 2003 7.8
2) July 2, 2003 8.0
3) July 3, 2003 7.5
7) July 7, 2003 6.3
8) July 8, 2003 3.9
24) June 24, 2003 6.0
25) June 25, 2003 14.0
26) June 26, 2003 11.8
27) June 27, 2003 8.7
28) June 28, 2003 7.9
29) June 29, 2003 9.3
30) June 30, 2003 8.9
9) Current time start relative to interviewer (CTIME)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
10) Current time start relative to respondent (CTIMER)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
11) Current number of attempts (CATTMPT)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
12) Current interviewer day of the week (CDOW)
1) Sunday 9.3
2) Monday 15.1
3) Tuesday 17.7
4) Wednesday 22.0
5) Thursday 19.3
6) Friday 8.7
7) Saturday 7.9
13) Current shift date (CSHIFT)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
14) Sample key (KEY)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
15) Time zone (TIMEZON2)
1) Central 31.5
2) Eastern 46.8
3) Mountain 4.4
4) Pacific 17.3
16) FIPS code for geographical area (FIPS)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
17) Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
18) Census Division (CENDIV)
1) New England 5.3
2) Mid-Atlantic 14.4
3) East North Central 15.6
4) West North Central 8.1
5) South Atlantic 18.5
6) East South Central 5.9
7) West South Central 10.9
8) Mountain 6.6
9) Pacific 14.5
19) Replicate (REP)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
20) Phone type (PHTYPE)
0) Unlisted 29.4
1) Listed 37.1
2) Business 0.0
3) Protected 33.5
21) Urban, suburban, rural area (USR)
1) Urban 29.3
2) Suburban 48.6
3) Rural 22.1
22) MSA/Non-MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) Codes (MSA_NON)
0) Non-MSA 22.0
1) MSA 78.0
23) Region (MARKET)
1) Northeast 19.7
2) Midwest 23.7
3) South 35.4
4) West 21.1
24) Respondent's sex (SEX)
1) Male 48.2
2) Female 51.8
25) Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as President? (BUSHAPRV)
1) Approve 57.8
2) Disapprove 32.2
9) Don't know/Refused 10.0
26) Form Split (DQFORM)
1) Form 1 50.0
2) Form 2 50.0
27) I'd like to get your views on some issues that are being discussed in this country today. All in all, do you strongly favor, favor, oppose, or strongly oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder? (ISSUES1)
1) Strongly favor 27.9
2) Favor 36.2
3) Oppose 19.7
4) Strongly oppose 9.7
9) Don't know/Refused 6.6
28) I'd like to get your views on some issues that are being discussed in this country today. All in all, do you strongly favor, favor, oppose, or strongly oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder when they were under the age of 18? (ISSUES2)
1) Strongly favor 11.0
2) Favor 24.2
3) Oppose 38.1
4) Strongly oppose 19.6
9) Don't know/Refused 7.1
29) I'd like to get your views on some issues that are being discussed in this country today. All in all, do you strongly favor, favor, oppose, or strongly oppose making it legal for doctors to give terminally ill patients the means to end their lives? (ISSUES3)
1) Strongly favor 18.3
2) Favor 35.8
3) Oppose 22.3
4) Strongly oppose 16.7
9) Don't know/Refused 6.9
30) I'd like to get your views on some issues that are being discussed in this country today. All in all, do you strongly favor, favor, oppose, or strongly oppose making it legal for doctors to assist terminally ill patients in committing suicide? (ISSUES4)
1) Strongly favor 14.2
2) Favor 28.6
3) Oppose 24.5
4) Strongly oppose 23.7
9) Don't know/Refused 9.1
31) I'd like to get your views on some issues that are being discussed in this country today. All in all, do you strongly favor, favor, oppose, or strongly oppose allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally? (ISSUES5)
1) Strongly favor 9.5
2) Favor 27.6
3) Oppose 23.1
4) Strongly oppose 30.2
9) Don't know/Refused 9.6
32) Looking ahead, would you like to see George W. Bush re-elected president in 2004 or would you prefer that a Democratic candidate win the election? (ELECTION)
1) Bush re-elected 44.6
2) Prefer Democrat 37.3
3) Other 7.0
9) Don't know/Refused 11.1
33) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=1 'FORM 1'] At the present time, do you think religion as a whole is increasing its influence on American life or losing its influence? (RELUSA)
1) Increasing 29.7
2) Losing 56.2
3) Staying the same 5.3
9) No opinion 8.9
34) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=2 'FORM 2'] At the present time, do you think religion as a whole is increasing its influence in THE WORLD or losing its influence? (RELWORLD)
1) Increasing 35.8
2) Losing 50.9
3) Staying the same 4.5
9) No opinion 8.8
35) Now thinking about some specific religious groups... Is your overall opinion of Catholics very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (OPRELGR1)
1) Very favorable 20.8
2) Mostly favorable 48.4
3) Mostly unfavorable 11.4
4) Very unfavorable 6.2
5) Never heard of 0.1
9) Can't rate 13.1
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36) Now thinking about some specific religious groups... Is your overall opinion of Jews very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (OPRELGR2)
1) Very favorable 20.4
2) Mostly favorable 51.6
3) Mostly unfavorable 6.4
4) Very unfavorable 3.1
5) Never heard of 0.7
9) Can't rate 17.8
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37) Now thinking about some specific religious groups... Is your overall opinion of Evangelical Christians very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (OPRELGR3)
1) Very favorable 17.9
2) Mostly favorable 40.4
3) Mostly unfavorable 12.0
4) Very unfavorable 5.6
5) Never heard of 3.4
9) Can't rate 20.8
38) Now thinking about some specific religious groups... Is your overall opinion of Protestants very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (OPRELGR4)
1) Very favorable 20.3
2) Mostly favorable 50.5
3) Mostly unfavorable 6.6
4) Very unfavorable 3.1
5) Never heard of 1.6
9) Can't rate 17.9
39) Now thinking about some specific religious groups... Is your overall opinion of Muslim Americans very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (OPRELGR5)
1) Very favorable 9.8
2) Mostly favorable 41.1
3) Mostly unfavorable 14.4
4) Very unfavorable 9.6
5) Never heard of 1.6
9) Can't rate 23.5
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40) Now thinking about some specific religious groups... Is your overall opinion of Muslims very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (OPRELGR6)
1) Very favorable 8.8
2) Mostly favorable 37.8
3) Mostly unfavorable 19.3
4) Very unfavorable 12.2
5) Never heard of 0.5
9) Can't rate 21.4
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41) Now thinking about some specific religious groups... Is your overall opinion of Atheists, that is, people who don't believe in God, very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (OPRELGR7)
1) Very favorable 6.8
2) Mostly favorable 27.0
3) Mostly unfavorable 18.6
4) Very unfavorable 33.1
5) Never heard of 0.3
9) Can't rate 14.1
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42) Now thinking about some specific religious groups... Is your overall opinion of people who are not religious very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (OPRELGR8)
1) Very favorable 8.7
2) Mostly favorable 41.6
3) Mostly unfavorable 19.0
4) Very unfavorable 13.7
5) Never heard of 0.1
9) Can't rate 16.8
43) In your opinion, should churches and other houses of worship keep out of political matters - or should they express their views on day-to-day social and political questions? (CHRCHPOL)
1) Should keep out 43.6
2) Should express views 51.8
9) No opinion 4.6
44) If clergy DO speak out on issues, should they reflect the views of the members of their congregation, or should they express their own views, even if most members disagree? (HOWCLSPK)
1) Reflect views of members 35.7
2) Express their own views 52.4
3) Should not give views 3.9
9) No opinion 8.0
45) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=1 'FORM 1'] Do you think there has been too much, too little or the right amount of expressions of religious faith and prayer by political leaders? (EXPRSREL)
1) Too much 21.2
2) Too little 41.1
3) Right amount 28.4
9) Don't know/Refused 9.2
46) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=2 'FORM 2'] Do you think George W. Bush mentions his religious faith and prayer too much, too little, or about the right amount? (BUSHREL1)
1) Too much 14.5
2) Too little 11.2
3) Right amount 61.5
9) Don't know/Refused 12.7
47) How much do you think George W. Bush relies on his own religious beliefs in making policy decisions - a great deal, a fair amount, or not very much? (BUSHREL2)
1) A great deal 19.8
2) A fair amount 40.2
3) Not very much 30.6
9) Don't know/Refused 9.4
48) In making policy decisions, do you think he relies on his religious beliefs too much, too little or about the right amount? (BUSHREL3)
1) Too much 10.3
2) Too little 21.1
3) About the right amount 57.8
9) Don't know/Refused 10.8
49) In the dispute between Israel and the Palestinians, which side do you sympathize with more, Israel or the Palestinians? (ISRLPLST)
1) Israel 41.0
2) The Palestinians 12.5
3) Both 7.8
4) Neither 18.5
9) Don't know/Refused 20.2
50) [ASK ONLY IF ISRLPLST= 1 'ISRAEL' OR 2 'THE PALESTINIANS' OR 3 'BOTH' OR 4 'NEITHER'] Which one of the following has had the biggest influence on your thinking on this issue (The dispute between Israel and the Palestinians)... (INFLNCE)
1) A personal experience 8.1
2) The views of your friends and family 4.5
3) What you have seen or read in the media 33.1
4) Your religious beliefs 19.5
5) Your education 20.7
6) Something else 10.0
9) Don't know/Refused 4.1
51) Some people believe God gave the land that is now Israel to the Jewish people. Other people do not believe this is literally true. Which comes closer to your own view? (IRSLLAND)
1) Believe Israel given to the Jewish people by God 44.0
2) Don't believe this is literally true 36.0
9) Don't know/Refused 20.1
52) Some people say that the state of Israel is a fulfillment of the biblical prophesy about the second coming of Jesus. Do you believe that this is true, or not? (ISRLPRPH)
1) Yes, true 36.4
2) No, not true 45.4
9) Don't know/Refused 18.2
53) What is your religious preference - do you consider yourself Christian, Jewish, Muslim, other non-Christian such as Buddhist or Hindu, Atheist, Agnostic, something else, or don't you have a religious preference? [include the following responses as Christian: Catholic, Mormon, Orthodox religions, Protestant religions such as Baptist, Episcopal, Jehovah's Witness, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Pentecostal, Church of Christ, etc.] (RELPREF)
1) Christian 80.9
2) Jewish 1.9
3) Muslim (include Islam/Islamic) 0.3
4) Other non-Christian 3.8
5) Atheist 2.0
6) Agnostic 3.2
7) Something else (Specify) 0.6
8) No preference 6.4
9) Don't know/Refused 0.9
54) What is your religious preference - do you consider yourself Christian, Jewish, Muslim, other non-Christian such as Buddhist or Hindu, Atheist, Agnostic, something else, or don't you have a religious preference? (RELPREF2)
1) Something else 98.7
2) Seventh Day Adventist 0.1
3) Apihicanian 0.1
4) Bahai 0.0
5) Baptist 0.0
6) Jewish 0.0
7) Believe in God 0.1
8) Catholic 0.0
9) Christian Scientist 0.1
10) Church of Latter Day Saints 0.1
11) Deist 0.0
12) Geltic, Reconstructionist, Pagan 0.1
13) Own feelings 0.0
14) Hindu 0.1
15) Jehovah's Witness 0.1
16) Christian 0.0
17) Moorish 0.0
18) Native American 0.0
19) Non-Denominational 0.1
20) Protestant 0.1
21) Help others 0.0
22) Unitarian 0.0
23) Wiccan 0.1
24) Well versed in religion 0.1
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55) [ASK ONLY IF RELPREF= 1 CHRISTIAN] Are you Protestant, Catholic, Mormon, Orthodox - such as Greek or Russian Orthodox, or something else? (TYPECHRS)
1) Protestant (include Baptist, Episcopal, Jehovah's Witness, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Pentecostal, Church of Christ, etc.) 63.9
2) Catholic (include Roman Catholic) 28.2
3) Mormon (include Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) 1.5
4) Orthodox (include Greek or Russian Orthodox, etc.) 0.5
5) Something else (Specify) 1.5
9) Don't know/Refused 4.4
56) [ASK ONLY IF RELPREF= 1 CHRISTIAN] Are you Protestant, Catholic, Mormon, Orthodox - such as Greek or Russian Orthodox, or something else? (TPECHRS2)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
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57) [ASK ONLY IF RELPREF= 1 'CHRISTIAN' OR 7 'SOMETHING ELSE'] Would you describe yourself as a 'born again' or evangelical Christian, or not? (BORNAGN)
1) Yes, would 45.5
2) No, would not 50.1
9) Don't know/Refused 4.5
58) [ASK ONLY IF TYPECHRS= 2 'CATHOLIC'] Please tell me which if any of the following descriptions apply to you: traditional Catholic, or progressive Catholic? (CATHOLIC)
1) Traditional Catholic 55.4
2) Progressive Catholic 35.8
3) Neither 4.8
9) Don't know/Refused 4.1
59) Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious services... more than once a week, once a week, once or twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never? (ATTEND)
1) More than once a week 15.6
2) Once a week 26.6
3) Once or twice a month 14.9
4) A few times a year 18.2
5) Seldom 14.3
6) Never 9.8
9) Don't know/Refused 0.6
60) How important would you say religion is in your own life - very important, fairly important, or not very important? (RELDAILY)
1) Very important 61.1
2) Fairly important 24.3
3) Not very important 13.6
9) Don't know/Refused 1.0
61) In recent years do you attend religious services more often, less often, or has there been no change? (OFTATTND)
1) More often 23.9
2) Less often 19.0
3) No change 56.2
9) Don't know/Refused 0.9
62) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM= 1 'FORM 1'] Which of these statements comes closest to describing your feelings about the Bible? (BIBLE1)
1) The Bible is the actual word of God and is to be taken literally, word for word 32.6
2) The Bible is the word of God, but not everything in it should be taken literally, word for word 42.4
3) The Bible is a book written by men and is not the word of God 18.9
4) Other 1.6
9) Don't know/Refused 4.5
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63) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM= 2 'FORM 2'] Which of these statements comes closest to describing your feelings about the Bible? (BIBLE2)
1) The Bible is a book written by men and is not the word of God 13.4
2) The Bible is the word of God, but not everything in it should be taken literally, word for word 44.3
3) The Bible is the actual word of God and is to be taken literally, word for word 37.5
4) Other 2.2
9) Don't know/Refused 2.5
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64) How much would you say you know about the Muslim religion and its practices? (KNOWMSLM)
1) A great deal 4.1
2) Some 27.3
3) Not very much 39.3
4) Nothing at all 28.4
9) Don't know/Refused 0.9
65) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM= 1 'FORM 1' OR RELPREF= 1 'CHRISTIAN' OR 2 'JEWISH' OR 4 'OTHER NON-CHRISTIAN' OR 7 'SOMETHING ELSE'] From what you know, do you think that the Muslim religion and your own religion have a lot in common, or do you think that the Muslim religion and your religion are very different? (SMLRMSLM)
1) A lot in common 21.8
2) Very different 60.4
9) Don't know/Refused 17.9
66) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM= 2 'FORM 2'Would you say you have a generally favorable or unfavorable opinion of Islam? (OPNMUSLM)
1) Favorable 40.3
2) Unfavorable 33.7
9) No opinion 26.0
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67) Do you happen to know what name Muslims use to refer to God? (MSLMQ1)
1) Allah (correct answer) 45.1
2) Something else (incorrect answer) 8.5
9) Don't know/Refused 46.4
68) Do you happen to know the name of the Islamic equivalent to the Bible? (MSLMQ2)
1) Koran (correct answer) 42.5
2) Something else (incorrect answer) 3.9
9) Don't know/Refused 53.6
69) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=1 'FORM 1'] Here are some statements made by prominent U.S. political leaders. For each statement, please tell me whether you are comfortable or uncomfortable with a political leader making this kind of religious reference: 'The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, it is God's gift to humanity.' (LEADRS1A)
1) Comfortable 67.1
2) Uncomfortable 26.8
9) Don't know/Refused 6.1
70) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=1 'FORM 1'] Here are some statements made by prominent U.S. political leaders. For each statement, please tell me whether you are comfortable or uncomfortable with a political leader making this kind of religious reference: 'I have never believed the Constitution required our schools to be religion-free zones.' (LEADRS1B)
1) Comfortable 44.5
2) Uncomfortable 48.8
9) Don't know/Refused 6.6
71) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=1 'FORM 1'] Here are some statements made by prominent U.S. political leaders. For each statement, please tell me whether you are comfortable or uncomfortable with a political leader making this kind of religious reference: 'Unique among the nations, America recognized the source of our character as being godly and eternal.' (LEADRS1C)
1) Comfortable 54.0
2) Uncomfortable 38.3
9) Don't know/Refused 7.7
72) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=1 'FORM 1'] Here are some statements made by prominent U.S. political leaders. For each statement, please tell me whether you are comfortable or uncomfortable with a political leader making this kind of religious reference: 'The Constitution promises freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion.' (LEADRS1D)
1) Comfortable 71.1
2) Uncomfortable 23.5
9) Don't know/Refused 5.4
73) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=2 'FORM 2'] Here are some statements made by prominent U.S. political leaders. For each statement, please tell me whether you are comfortable or uncomfortable with a political leader making this kind of religious reference: President George W. Bush said 'The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, it is God's gift to humanity.' (LEADRS2A)
1) Comfortable 73.4
2) Uncomfortable 21.7
9) Don't know/Refused 4.9
74) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=2 'FORM 2'] Here are some statements made by prominent U.S. political leaders. For each statement, please tell me whether you are comfortable or uncomfortable with a political leader making this kind of religious reference: President Bill Clinton said 'I have never believed the Constitution required our schools to be religion-free zones.' (LEADRS2B)
1) Comfortable 59.2
2) Uncomfortable 34.3
9) Don't know/Refused 6.5
75) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=2 'FORM 2'] Here are some statements made by prominent U.S. political leaders. For each statement, please tell me whether you are comfortable or uncomfortable with a political leader making this kind of religious reference: Attorney General John Ashcroft said 'Unique among the nations, America recognized the source of our character as being godly and eternal.' (LEADRS2C)
1) Comfortable 55.7
2) Uncomfortable 34.0
9) Don't know/Refused 10.3
76) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=2 'FORM 2'] Here are some statements made by prominent U.S. political leaders. For each statement, please tell me whether you are comfortable or uncomfortable with a political leader making this kind of religious reference: Senator Joe Lieberman said 'The Constitution promises freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion.' (LEADRS2D)
1) Comfortable 70.6
2) Uncomfortable 22.7
9) Don't know/Refused 6.7
77) Do you believe that it is proper or improper for journalists to ask politicians how their religious beliefs affect their opinions on issues of the day? (ASKREL1V)
1) Proper 56.9
2) Improper 39.0
9) Don't know/Refused 4.2
78) [ASK ONLY IF JRNLSTS1= 2 'IMPROPER'] Do you think it's proper or improper for journalists to do this if the politician talks about his or her religious beliefs first? (ASKREL2V)
1) Proper 51.3
2) Improper 44.0
9) Don't know/Refused 4.8
79) [ASK ONLY IF FORM=1 'FORM 1'] Between now and the 2004 political conventions, there will be discussion about the qualifications of presidential candidates - their education, age, religion, race, and so on. If your party nominated a generally well-qualified person for president who happened to be Catholic, would you vote for that person? (RELCAN1A)
1) Yes 87.7
2) No 8.6
9) Don't know/Refused 3.7
80) [ASK ONLY IF FORM=1 'FORM 1'] Between now and the 2004 political conventions, there will be discussion about the qualifications of presidential candidates - their education, age, religion, race, and so on. If your party nominated a generally well-qualified person for president who happened to be Jewish, would you vote for that person? (RELCAN1B)
1) Yes 82.2
2) No 12.8
9) Don't know/Refused 4.9
81) [ASK ONLY IF FORM=1 'FORM 1'] Between now and the 2004 political conventions, there will be discussion about the qualifications of presidential candidates - their education, age, religion, race, and so on. If your party nominated a generally well-qualified person for president who happened to be Muslim, would you vote for that person? (RELCAN1C)
1) Yes 55.2
2) No 38.6
9) Don't know/Refused 6.2
82) [ASK ONLY IF FORM=1 'FORM 1'] Between now and the 2004 political conventions, there will be discussion about the qualifications of presidential candidates - their education, age, religion, race, and so on. If your party nominated a generally well-qualified person for president who happened to be An atheist, would you vote for that person? (RELCAN1D)
1) Yes 44.1
2) No 52.0
9) Don't know/Refused 3.9
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83) [ASK ONLY IF FORM=1 'FORM 1'] Between now and the 2004 political conventions, there will be discussion about the qualifications of presidential candidates - their education, age, religion, race, and so on. If your party nominated a generally well-qualified person for president who happened to be an Evangelical Christian, would you vote for that person? (RELCAN1E)
1) Yes 76.7
2) No 16.9
9) Don't know/Refused 6.4
84) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=2 'FORM 2'] Between now and the 2004 political conventions, there will be discussion about the qualifications of presidential candidates - their education, age, religion, race, and so on. Are there any reasons why you might not vote for a Catholic for president if he or she were nominated by the party you usually prefer? (RELCAN2A)
1) Yes, there are reasons NOT to vote for 15.0
2) No, no reasons 78.5
9) Don't know/Refused 6.6
85) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=2 'FORM 2'] Between now and the 2004 political conventions, there will be discussion about the qualifications of presidential candidates - their education, age, religion, race, and so on. Are there any reasons why you might not vote for a Jew for president if he or she were nominated by the party you usually prefer? (RELCAN2B)
1) Yes, there are reasons NOT to vote for 14.1
2) No, no reasons 79.9
9) Don't know/Refused 5.9
86) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=2 'FORM 2'] Between now and the 2004 political conventions, there will be discussion about the qualifications of presidential candidates - their education, age, religion, race, and so on. Are there any reasons why you might not vote for a Muslim for president if he or she were nominated by the party you usually prefer? (RELCAN2C)
1) Yes, there are reasons NOT to vote for 31.5
2) No, no reasons 58.0
9) Don't know/Refused 10.6
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87) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=2 'FORM 2'] Between now and the 2004 political conventions, there will be discussion about the qualifications of presidential candidates - their education, age, religion, race, and so on. Are there any reasons why you might not vote for an Atheist for president if he or she were nominated by the party you usually prefer? (RELCAN2D)
1) Yes, there are reasons NOT to vote for 40.9
2) No, no reasons 52.9
9) Don't know/Refused 6.2
[ Analyze Results | Add to Question Bank | View more questions about Atheists, View of ]
88) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=2 'FORM 2'] Between now and the 2004 political conventions, there will be discussion about the qualifications of presidential candidates - their education, age, religion, race, and so on. Are there any reasons why you might not vote for an Evangelical Christian for president if he or she were nominated by the party you usually prefer? (RELCAN2E)
1) Yes, there are reasons NOT to vote for 20.1
2) No, no reasons 69.6
9) Don't know/Refused 10.3
89) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=1 'FORM 1'] As I read from a list, please tell me if you would like to see more of this, less of this, or no change in the amount of this in the next few years: Religious leaders appearing on television talk shows. (OPINION1)
1) More 25.9
2) Less 32.0
3) No change 39.5
9) Don't know/Refused 2.7
90) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=1 'FORM 1'] As I read from a list, please tell me if you would like to see more of this, less of this, or no change in the amount of this in the next few years: Religious leaders serving as advisers for elected officials. (OPINION2)
1) More 33.5
2) Less 27.4
3) No change 36.7
9) Don't know/Refused 2.4
91) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=1 'FORM 1'] As I read from a list, please tell me if you would like to see more of this, less of this, or no change in the amount of this in the next few years: Religious leaders running for public office. (OPINION3)
1) More 30.1
2) Less 28.8
3) No change 38.4
9) Don't know/Refused 2.7
92) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=1 'FORM 1'] As I read from a list, please tell me if you would like to see more of this, less of this, or no change in the amount of this in the next few years: Religious leaders forming political movements. (OPINION4)
1) More 22.2
2) Less 41.6
3) No change 33.1
9) Don't know/Refused 3.1
93) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=2 'FORM 2'] I am going to name several types of groups or organizations. For each, please tell me whether you feel that group is generally friendly toward religion, neutral toward religion, or unfriendly toward religion? Do you think the Democratic Party is generally friendly, neutral, or unfriendly toward religion? (FRNDLY1)
1) Friendly 42.4
2) Neutral 35.6
3) Unfriendly 11.9
9) Don't know/Refused 10.1
94) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=2 'FORM 2'] I am going to name several types of groups or organizations. For each, please tell me whether you feel that group is generally friendly toward religion, neutral toward religion, or unfriendly toward religion? Do you think the Republican Party is generally friendly, neutral, or unfriendly toward religion? (FRNDLY2)
1) Friendly 52.4
2) Neutral 26.6
3) Unfriendly 10.3
9) Don't know/Refused 10.7
95) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=2 'FORM 2'] I am going to name several types of groups or organizations. For each, please tell me whether you feel that group is generally friendly toward religion, neutral toward religion, or unfriendly toward religion? Do you think Hollywood and the makers of movies and TV entertainment shows are generally friendly, neutral, or unfriendly toward religion? (FRNDLY3)
1) Friendly 16.0
2) Neutral 31.4
3) Unfriendly 45.0
9) Don't know/Refused 7.7
96) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=2 'FORM 2'] I am going to name several types of groups or organizations. For each, please tell me whether you feel that group is generally friendly toward religion, neutral toward religion, or unfriendly toward religion? Do you think news reporters and the news media is generally friendly, neutral, or unfriendly toward religion? (FRNDLY4)
1) Friendly 15.6
2) Neutral 40.5
3) Unfriendly 34.5
9) Don't know/Refused 9.4
97) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=2 'FORM 2'] I am going to name several types of groups or organizations. For each, please tell me whether you feel that group is generally friendly toward religion, neutral toward religion, or unfriendly toward religion? Do you think university professors are generally friendly, neutral, or unfriendly toward religion? (FRNDLY5)
1) Friendly 18.0
2) Neutral 39.5
3) Unfriendly 26.2
9) Don't know/Refused 16.4
98) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=2 'FORM 2'] I am going to name several types of groups or organizations. For each, please tell me whether you feel that group is generally friendly toward religion, neutral toward religion, or unfriendly toward religion? Do you think liberals are generally friendly, neutral, or unfriendly toward religion? (FRNDLY6)
1) Friendly 26.3
2) Neutral 32.8
3) Unfriendly 26.6
9) Don't know/Refused 14.2
99) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=2 'FORM 2'] I am going to name several types of groups or organizations. For each, please tell me whether you feel that group is generally friendly toward religion, neutral toward religion, or unfriendly toward religion? Do you think conservatives are generally friendly, neutral, or unfriendly toward religion? (FRNDLY7)
1) Friendly 51.4
2) Neutral 25.5
3) Unfriendly 9.5
9) Don't know/Refused 13.6
100) In the choices and decisions you make in a typical day, how often do you find yourself using your religious beliefs to help you decide what to do - frequently, occasionally, only once in a while, or hardly ever? (RELDECSN)
1) Frequently 44.7
2) Occasionally 22.2
3) Only once in a while 14.1
4) Hardly ever 13.8
5) Never 3.9
9) Don't know/Refused 1.3
101) When you vote in an election, how often do you find yourself using your religious beliefs to help you decide how to vote - frequently, occasionally, only once in a while, or hardly ever? (RELVOTE)
1) Frequently 21.6
2) Occasionally 15.9
3) Only once in a while 11.2
4) Hardly ever 35.6
5) Never 10.9
8) Don't vote/Can't vote 3.3
9) Don't know/Refused 1.6
102) Please tell me if you completely agree, mostly agree, mostly disagree, or completely disagree with this statement: The government should guarantee health insurance for all citizens, even if it means repealing most of the tax cuts passed under President Bush. (AGREEGOV)
1) Completely agree 38.3
2) Mostly agree 33.7
3) Mostly disagree 14.2
4) Completely disagree 9.7
9) Don't know/Refused 4.2
103) Do you see this as strictly a political issue or is it also a moral issue? (MORALISS)
1) Strictly a political issue 33.0
2) Also a moral issue 52.6
3) Both 10.8
4) Neither 0.8
9) Don't know/Refused 2.8
104) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=1 'FORM 1'] As I read you a pair of statements, tell me whether the FIRST statement or the SECOND statement comes closer to your own views even if neither is exactly right. A. Some religions are more likely than others to encourage violence among believers -OR- B. Religions are all about the same in this regard. (YOUVIEW1)
1) Statement A 51.7
2) Statement B 38.3
3) Neither 4.7
9) Don't know 5.3
105) [ASK ONLY IF DQFORM=1 'FORM 1'] As I read you a pair of statements, tell me whether the FIRST statement or the SECOND statement comes closer to your own views even if neither is exactly right. The Islamic religion is more likely than others to encourage violence among its believers -OR- The Islamic religion does not encourage violence more than others. (YOUVIEW2)
1) Statement A 43.5
2) Statement B 41.5
3) Neither 2.7
9) Don't know 12.3
106) How much of a role does religion play in causing most wars and conflicts in the world? (RELWARS)
1) A great deal 43.9
2) A fair amount 34.8
3) Only a little 11.7
4) None at all 6.5
9) Don't know/Refused 3.2
107) Have you heard or read anything about the effort to discourage people from buying Sport Utility Vehicles that asks the question 'What would Jesus drive?' (RELSUV)
1) Yes 30.7
2) No 67.0
9) Don't know/Refused 2.2
108) What's your opinion, do you think that Jesus WOULD or WOULD NOT drive an SUV? (JESUSSUV)
1) Would 29.3
2) Would not 32.4
3) Would not drive/would walk 7.3
9) Don't know/Refused 31.0
109) What is your age? (AGE)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
110) What is the last grade or class that you completed in school? (EDUC)
1) None, or grade 1-8 5.1
2) High school incomplete (Grades 9-11) 9.9
3) High school graduate (Grade 12 or GED certificate) 32.9
4) Business, Technical, or vocational school after high school 3.0
5) Some college, no 4-year degree 23.1
6) College graduate (B.S., B.A., or other 4-year degree) 15.5
7) Post-graduate training or professional schooling after college (e.g., toward a master's Degree or Ph.D.; law or medical school) 9.7
9) Don't know/Refused 0.6
111) Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish background? (HISP)
1) Yes 11.2
2) No 87.8
9) Don't know/Refused 0.9
112) [ASK ONLY IF HISPANIC= 2 'NO' OR 3 'DON'T KNOW/REFUSED'] What is your race? Are you white, black, Asian, or some other? (RACE)
1) White/White Hispanic 78.1
2) Black/Black Hispanic 11.0
3) Asian 1.4
4) Other or mixed race 7.4
9) Don't know/Refused 2.1
113) Are you married, divorced, separated, widowed, or never been married? (MARITAL)
1) Married 52.0
2) Divorced 11.9
3) Separated 3.1
4) Widowed 8.5
5) Never been married 23.8
9) Don't know/Refused 0.7
114) Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 now living in your household? (PARENT)
1) Yes 34.4
2) No 64.9
9) Don't know/Refused 0.7
115) Last year, that is in 2003, what was your total family income from all sources, before taxes? Just stop me when I get to the right category. (INCOME)
1) Less than $10,000 7.2
2) $10,000 to under $20,000 11.5
3) $20,000 to under $30,000 13.5
4) $30,000 to under $40,000 11.9
5) $40,000 to under $50,000 8.7
6) $50,000 to under $75,000 15.2
7) $75,000 to under $100,000 8.8
8) $100,000 or more 9.5
9) Don't know/Refused 13.7
116) These days, many people are so busy they can't find time to register to vote, or move around so often they don't get a chance to re-register... Are you NOW registered to vote in your precinct or election district, or haven't you been able to register so far? (REGIST)
1) Yes, registered 77.0
2) No, not registered 21.8
9) Don't know/Refused 1.1
117) [ASK ONLY IF REGIST= 1 'YES'] Are you absolutely certain you are registered to vote, or is there a chance your registration has lapsed because you moved or for some other reason? (REGICERT)
1) Absolutely certain 95.6
2) Chance registration has lapsed 3.6
9) Don't know/Refused 0.8
118) In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat or Independent? (PARTY)
1) Republican 29.4
2) Democrat 31.0
3) Independent 31.5
4) No Preference 4.2
5) Other 0.8
9) Don't know/Refused 3.1
119) [ASK ONLY IF PARTY= 3 'INDEPENDENT' OR 4 'NO PREFERENCE' OR 5 'OTHER' OR 9 'DON'T KNOW/REFUSED'] As of today do you lean more to the Republican Party or more to the Democratic Party? (PARTYLN)
1) Republican 30.1
2) Democrat 32.0
9) Other/Don't know/Refused 38.0
120) In the 2000 presidential election, did things come up which kept you from voting, or did you happen to vote? If you voted, did you vote for Gore, Bush, Nader or Buchanan? (VOTE2000)
1) Yes, Gore 25.1
2) Yes, Bush 35.0
3) Yes, Nader 2.0
4) Yes, Buchanan 0.4
5) Yes, other candidate 0.6
6) Yes, don't remember which candidate 0.9
7) No, didn't vote/Too young 30.9
8) Don't remember if voted 1.1
9) Refused 4.1
121) In general, would you describe your political views as... (POLIDEOL)
1) Very conservative 5.1
2) Conservative 32.0
3) Moderate 38.7
4) Liberal 13.9
5) Very liberal 5.3
9) Don't know/Refused 5.0
122) Do you own or rent your home? (OWNRENT)
1) Own 64.6
2) Rent 29.7
3) Other arrangement 3.9
9) Don't know/Refused 1.8
123) Are you now employed full-time, part-time or not employed? (EMPLOY)
1) Full-time 53.7
2) Part-time 11.6
3) Not employed 33.1
9) Don't know/Refused 1.5
124) [ASK ONLY IF MARITAL=1 'MARRIED'] Is your spouse now employed full-time, part-time or not employed? (EMPLOYSP)
1) Full-time 60.6
2) Part-time 7.2
3) Not employed 31.5
9) Don't know/Refused 0.7
125) Are you yourself [IF RESPONDENT IS MARRIED - MARITAL=1 - ADD: or is your husband/wife] a veteran of the armed services? [IF YES, PROBE FOR WHOM] (VETERAN)
1) Yes, respondent 13.2
2) Yes, spouse 8.3
3) Yes, both 0.7
4) Yes, respondent still active/in the reserves 0.9
5) Yes, spouse still active/in the reserves 0.1
6) Yes, both still active/in the reserves 0.0
7) No 75.7
9) Don't know/Refused 1.1
126) [INCLUDE 'Your spouse' FOR MARRIED PEOPLE ONLY (MARITAL=1)] Are you (or is your spouse) a member of a labor union? (LABOR)
1) Yes, respondent is 8.3
2) Yes, spouse is 3.8
3) Yes, both 1.1
4) No, neither are 85.0
9) Don't know/Refused 1.7
127) Which of the following BEST describes the place where you now live?... (CITYSIZE)
1) A large city 21.2
2) A suburb near a large city 22.7
3) A small city or town 35.1
4) A rural area 19.1
9) Don't know/Refused 1.9
128) Do you have a friend, colleague, or family member who is gay? (MISC1)
1) Yes 44.7
2) No 52.0
9) Don't know 3.3
129) Do you own an SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle)? (MISC2)
1) Yes 21.4
2) No 77.1
9) Don't know 1.5
130) Do you display the flag at your home, in your office, or on your car? (MISC3)
1) Yes 69.2
2) No 29.4
9) Don't know 1.4
131) Do you happen to have any guns or revolvers in your home? (MISC4)
1) Yes 33.9
2) No 63.3
9) Don't know 2.8
132) Do you trade stocks or bonds in the stock markets? (MISC5)
1) Yes 29.1
2) No 68.5
9) Don't know 2.3
133) Language interview was conducted in (QLANG)
1) English 94.7
2) Spanish 5.3
134) Interviewer's sex (IVSEX)
1) Male 38.0
2) Female 62.0
135) Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish background? (IVHISP)
1) Yes 11.3
2) No 88.7
136) Interviewer's race (IVRACE)
1) White 53.5
2) Black 29.6
3) Asian 1.7
4) Other or mixed race 15.3
 NMeanStd. Deviation
138) [Commit variable: index of ATTEND and RELDAILY (religious attendance and importance of religion)] (COMMIT)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
139) What is your age? (Recoded for use with online analysis) (I-AGE)
1) 18 to 24 12.7
2) 25 to 34 17.9
3) 35 to 44 20.7
4) 45 to 64 31.4
5) 65 or older 17.2
140) Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious services... more than once a week, once a week, once or twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never? (Recoded for use with online analysis) (I-ATTEND)
1) More than once a week 15.7
2) Once a week 26.7
3) Once or twice a month 15.0
4) A few times a year 18.3
5) Seldom 14.3
6) Never 9.8
141) What is the last grade or class that you completed in school? (Recoded for use with online analysis) (I-EDUC)
1) Less than high school 15.2
2) High school graduate 33.1
3) Some college, no 4-year degree (or vocational/technical degree after high school) 26.3
4) College graduate 15.6
5) Graduate work/degree 9.8
142) Respondent's sex (for use with online analysis) (I-GENDER)
1) Male 48.2
2) Female 51.8
143) In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat or Independent? (Recoded for use with online analysis) (I-PARTYID)
1) Republican 31.9
2) Democrat 33.7
3) Independent 34.3
144) Are you married, divorced, separated, widowed, or never been married? (Recoded for use with online analysis) (I-MARITAL)
1) Married 52.4
2) Divorced or separated 15.1
3) Widowed 8.5
4) Never been married 24.0

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