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Religion and Public Life Survey, 2009 - Codebook

All Frequencies weighted by 264) WEIGHT;
(The number of missing cases reported in the codebook are unweighted)

1) Unique ID (UNIQUEID)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
2) Survey (SURVEY)
1) Survey A 50.0
2) Survey B 50.0
3) Interview date (INT_DATE)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
4) Call attempt (ATTEMPT)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
5) Date of first call [First digit is the month, next two digits are the day, and last two digits are the year] (FCALL)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
6) Refusal conversion (REFUSAL)
0) No 80.9
1) Yes 19.1
7) Sample type (SAMPLE)
1) Landline 65.4
2) Cell 34.6
8) Language interview was conducted in (LANG)
1) English 95.3
2) Spanish 4.7
9) Respondent's census region, derived from zip code (CREGION)
1) Northeast 18.8
2) Midwest 22.5
3) South 37.2
4) West 21.6
10) Respondent's state, derived from zip code (STATE)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
11) Population density of respondent's community, derived from zip code (DENSITY3)
1) Lowest 20.3
2) 2 20.3
3) 3 20.4
4) 4 19.7
5) Highest 19.3
12) Respondent's census region, from sample (SREGION)
1) Northeast 18.9
2) Midwest 22.6
3) South 36.8
4) West 21.7
13) Respondent's state, from sample (SSTATE)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
14) Respondent's MSA, from sample (See Note 1: MSA Codes on the ARDA Summary Page for explanation of coding) (SMSA)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
15) Community type (SUSR1)
1) Urban 30.4
2) Suburban 50.3
3) Rural 19.3
16) Form split (FORM)
1) Form 1 50.8
2) Form 2 49.2
17) Gender of interviewer (PDSGEN)
1) Male 32.0
2) Female 68.0
18) Race of interviewer (PDSRACE)
1) White 48.1
2) Black or African American 36.5
3) Hispanic 11.3
5) Some other race 4.0
19) If SAMPLE = 1: Interviewer asked to speak to youngest male or female in the household (18 years or older) first (LLITEXT)
1) Asked for youngest male first 50.3
2) Asked for youngest female first 49.7
20) If SAMPLE = 2: Are you under 18 years old, or are you 18 or older? (S1)
2) 18 or older 100.0
21) Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President? (If respondent said that it depends, question was asked again and prefaced with the word 'Overall') (Q101) (OBAMAP_A)
1) Approve 51.3
2) Disapprove 37.4
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 11.3
22) All in all, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way things are going in this country today? (Q102) (COUNTR_A)
1) Satisfied 28.2
2) Dissatisfied 64.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 7.3
23) Now thinking about the nation's economy... How would you rate economic conditions in this country today... as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? (Q105) (ECON_A)
1) Excellent 0.4
2) Good 7.8
3) Only fair 38.2
4) Poor 52.0
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.6
24) A year from now, do you expect that economic conditions in the country as a whole will be better than they are at present, or worse, or just about the same as now? (Q106) (CONDIT_A)
1) Better 44.6
2) Worse 19.1
3) Same 33.4
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 2.9
25) Now thinking about your own personal finances... How would you rate your own personal financial situation? Would you say you are in excellent shape, good shape, only fair shape or poor shape financially? (Q107) (OWNFIN_A)
1) Excellent shape 6.0
2) Good shape 30.7
3) Only fair shape 35.8
4) Poor shape 25.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 2.0
26) Over the course of the next year, do you think the financial situation of you and your family will improve a lot, improve some, get a little worse or get a lot worse? (Q108) (FINIMP_A)
1) Improve a lot 7.9
2) Improve some 47.2
3) Get a little worse 16.7
4) Get a lot worse 8.1
5) Stay the same (VOL.) 15.1
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 4.8
27) As you think about your own financial situation, which of the following economic issues worries you most right now? (Q109) (WORRY_A)
1) Problems in the financial markets 13.8
2) Declining real estate values 9.3
3) Rising prices 25.6
4) The job situation 43.6
7) Other (VOL.) 3.8
8) None/Not worried about any (VOL.) 1.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 2.4
28) In dealing with important issues facing the country, are [Barack Obama] and [Republican leaders in Congress] working together or not working together? (Q110) [Order of bracketed text was reversed for random respondents] (WRKTOG_A)
1) Working together 24.0
2) Not working together 62.7
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 13.3
29) If WRKTOG_A = 2: Who do you think is most to blame for them not working together? [Choices 1 and 2 read in a random order] (Q111) (BLAME_A)
1) Barack Obama 27.7
2) Republican leaders in Congress 45.7
3) Both (VOL.) 14.6
4) Neither (VOL.) 2.2
5) Other (VOL.) 3.7
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 6.1
30) If BLAME_A = 5: Who do you think is most to blame for them not working together? [Respondent provided open-ended response] (Q111) (BLMOTH_A)
31) And thinking about your personal finances, have you done any of the following lately? Have you delayed or canceled plans to buy a new home or make major home improvements, or not? (Q115A) (PFHOME_A)
1) Yes 36.0
2) No 63.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.8
32) [Lately], have you delayed or canceled plans to make a major purchase for your household, such as a computer or appliance, or not? (Q115B) (PFMAJ_A)
1) Yes 42.0
2) No 57.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.4
33) [Lately], have you cut back on planned spending for vacation travel, or not? (Q115C) (PFTRAV_A)
1) Yes 59.2
2) No 40.4
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.4
34) [Lately], have you been eating out at restaurants less often, or not? (Q115D) (PFDINE_A)
1) Yes 54.6
2) No 44.4
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.0
35) [Lately], have you delayed or canceled plans to buy a new car, or not? (Q115E) (PFCAR_A)
1) Yes 38.1
2) No 61.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.4
36) [Lately], have you gotten help from your church or house of worship to help make ends meet, or not? (Q115F) (PFRELG_A)
1) Yes 8.6
2) No 91.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.3
37) [Lately], have you gotten help from a non-religious community or volunteer organization to help make ends meet? (Q115G) (PFNONR_A)
1) Yes 7.3
2) No 92.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.1
38) If PFMAJ_1, PFTRAV_A, PFDINE_A, or PFCAR_A = 1: You mentioned making some cutbacks in spending. Have you been cutting back because your financial situation has gotten worse and made such cutbacks necessary, or because you worry that your financial situation might get worse in the future? (Q116) (CUTBAC_A)
1) Financial situation has gotten worse 34.5
2) Worry that it might get worse in the future 47.2
3) Both (VOL.) 6.5
4) Other (VOL.) 8.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 2.9
39) How much, if anything, have you heard about the bills being proposed by President Obama and Congress to overhaul the health care system? (Q117) (HRDBIL_A)
1) A lot 47.9
2) A little 41.7
3) Nothing at all 9.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.2
40) If the health care bills being proposed by Barack Obama and Congress are passed into law, would you be... [Choices read in reverse order for random half of sample] [Form 1 only] (Q118) (PASSED_A)
1) Very happy 14.8
2) Pleased 28.7
3) Disappointed 22.3
4) Angry 17.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 16.3
41) If the health care bills being proposed by Barack Obama and Congress fail to pass into law, would you be... [Choices read in reverse order for random half of sample] [Form 2 only] (Q119) (FAIL_A)
1) Very happy 18.4
2) Pleased 21.0
3) Disappointed 30.7
4) Angry 8.8
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 21.0
42) Now thinking about the abortion issue... Do you think abortion should be... [Choices read in reverse order for random half of sample] (Q125) (ABORTN_A)
1) Legal in all cases 15.9
2) Legal in most cases 29.1
3) Illegal in most cases 28.2
4) Illegal in all cases 16.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 9.9
43) Which one of the following has had the biggest influence on your thinking on the issue of abortion? [Choices read in random order, with Choice 6 always read last] (Q126) (ABINFL_A)
1) A personal experience 14.4
2) The views of your friends and family 6.2
3) What you have seen or read in the media 5.0
4) Your religious beliefs 32.1
5) Your education 20.5
6) Something else 20.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.3
44) Over the past year or so, have your views on abortion changed, or have they pretty much stayed the same? (Q127) (ABVIEW_A)
1) Changed 5.0
2) Stayed the same 93.4
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.6
45) If ABVIEW_A = 1: And have you become... [Choices 1 and 2 read in random order] (Q128) (ABCHNG_A)
1) More supportive of restricting access to abortion 27.0
2) More supportive of a woman's right to choose an abortion 64.3
3) Other (VOL.) 4.1
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 4.5
46) If ABCHNG_A = 1 or 2: And just in your own words, what is the main reason that you have become more supportive of [restricting access to abortion/a woman's right to choose an abortion?] [Phrase read from bracketed text depended on answer given in ABCHNG_A] (Q129) (ABREAS_A)
1) Answer given 98.0
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 2.1
47) Answer provided to question asked in ABREAS_A (Q129VB) (ABWHY_A)
48) Which comes closer to your view about the abortion issue? [Choices 1 and 2 read in random order] (Q130) (ABLAW_A)
1) The country needs to find a middle ground on abortion laws 59.9
2) There's no room for compromise when it comes to abortion laws 29.0
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 11.1
49) As far as you know, what is Barack Obama's position on abortion? Is he pro-choice, that is, supports a woman's right to choose an abortion, or is he pro-life, that is, supports restricting access to abortion in most cases? (Q135) (ABOBMA_A)
1) Pro-choice/supports a woman's right to choose 58.0
2) Pro-life/supports restricting access in most cases 13.7
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 28.4
50) If ABOBMA_A = 1: Do you [worry that Obama will go too far in supporting abortion rights], [worry that Obama won't go far enough in supporting abortion rights], or think that Obama will handle the issue of abortion about right? [Choices in brackets were read in random in order] (Q136) (ABWORR_A)
1) Worry that Obama will go too far in supporting abortion rights 32.1
2) Worry that Obama won't go far enough in supporting abortion rights 7.1
3) Think he will handle the issue about right 50.3
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 10.6
51) Is your overall opinion of the Republican Party very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (Q140A) [Note: GOP_A was read immediately after DEMS_A for random respondents.] (GOP_A)
1) Very favorable 6.5
2) Mostly favorable 33.5
3) Mostly unfavorable 31.8
4) Very unfavorable 17.9
5) Never heard of (VOL.) 0.2
8) Can't rate (VOL.) 6.6
9) Refused (VOL.) 3.5
52) Is your overall opinion of the Democratic Party very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (Q140B) [Note: DEMS_A was read immediately before GOP_A for random respondents.] (DEMS_A)
1) Very favorable 12.0
2) Mostly favorable 37.1
3) Mostly unfavorable 24.7
4) Very unfavorable 15.8
5) Never heard of (VOL.) 0.1
8) Can't rate (VOL.) 6.8
9) Refused (VOL.) 3.5
53) Now thinking about some specific religious groups... Is your overall opinion of Catholics very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (Q141A) [NOTE: CATH_A through BUDDH_A were read together as a block, but were read in random order within the block (except that ATHEIS_A was always read last).] (CATH_A)
1) Very favorable 19.4
2) Mostly favorable 48.0
3) Mostly unfavorable 9.1
4) Very unfavorable 4.0
5) Never heard of (VOL.) 0.1
8) Can't rate (VOL.) 12.9
9) Refused (VOL.) 6.5
[ Analyze Results | Add to Question Bank | View more questions about Catholics, View of ]
54) Is your overall opinion of Jews very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (Q141B) (JEWISH_A)
1) Very favorable 17.4
2) Mostly favorable 46.0
3) Mostly unfavorable 6.9
4) Very unfavorable 3.9
5) Never heard of (VOL.) 0.8
8) Can't rate (VOL.) 18.4
9) Refused (VOL.) 6.6
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55) Is your overall opinion of Evangelical Christians very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (Q141C) (EVCHRS_A)
1) Very favorable 15.8
2) Mostly favorable 41.1
3) Mostly unfavorable 12.5
4) Very unfavorable 4.4
5) Never heard of (VOL.) 4.2
8) Can't rate (VOL.) 16.2
9) Refused (VOL.) 5.9
56) Is your overall opinion of Mormons very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (Q141D) (MORMON_A)
1) Very favorable 9.3
2) Mostly favorable 34.2
3) Mostly unfavorable 16.6
4) Very unfavorable 9.7
5) Never heard of (VOL.) 1.3
8) Can't rate (VOL.) 22.0
9) Refused (VOL.) 6.9
[ Analyze Results | Add to Question Bank | View more questions about Mormons, View of ]
57) Is your overall opinion of Muslims very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (Q141E) (MUSLIM_A)
1) Very favorable 5.7
2) Mostly favorable 32.6
3) Mostly unfavorable 19.2
4) Very unfavorable 12.4
5) Never heard of (VOL.) 0.5
8) Can't rate (VOL.) 21.8
9) Refused (VOL.) 7.7
[ Analyze Results | Add to Question Bank | View more questions about Muslims, View of ]
58) Is your overall opinion of Atheists, that is, people who don't believe in God, very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (Q141F) (ATHEIS_A)
1) Very favorable 6.4
2) Mostly favorable 22.9
3) Mostly unfavorable 22.9
4) Very unfavorable 26.4
5) Never heard of (VOL.) 0.4
8) Can't rate (VOL.) 14.3
9) Refused (VOL.) 6.7
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59) Is your overall opinion of Hindus very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (Q141G) (HINDUS_A)
1) Very favorable 6.3
2) Mostly favorable 33.1
3) Mostly unfavorable 12.8
4) Very unfavorable 8.5
5) Never heard of (VOL.) 1.9
8) Can't rate (VOL.) 30.6
9) Refused (VOL.) 6.8
[ Analyze Results | Add to Question Bank | View more questions about Hindus, View of ]
60) Is your overall opinion of Buddhists very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (Q141H) (BUDDH_A)
1) Very favorable 10.4
2) Mostly favorable 34.5
3) Mostly unfavorable 11.0
4) Very unfavorable 8.9
5) Never heard of (VOL.) 1.9
8) Can't rate (VOL.) 25.6
9) Refused (VOL.) 7.7
[ Analyze Results | Add to Question Bank | View more questions about Buddhists, View of ]
61) Do you strongly favor, favor, oppose, or strongly oppose allowing churches and other houses of worship to apply, along with other organizations, for government funding to provide social services such as job training or drug treatment counseling to people who need them? (Q145A) [Note: GVFUND_A, DIFFAB_A and CONSNT_A were read immediately after GAYMAR_A for random respondents.] (GVFUND_A)
1) Strongly favor 27.1
2) Favor 43.7
3) Oppose 14.5
4) Strongly oppose 9.8
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.0
62) Do you strongly favor, favor, oppose, or strongly oppose making it more difficult for a woman to get an abortion? (Q145B) [Note: DIFFAB_A was read immediately after CONSNT_A for random respondents.] (DIFFAB_A)
1) Strongly favor 18.7
2) Favor 22.0
3) Oppose 27.1
4) Strongly oppose 22.8
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 9.5
63) Do you strongly favor, favor, oppose, or strongly oppose requiring that women under the age of 18 get the consent of at least one parent before they are allowed to have an abortion? (Q145C) [Note: CONSNT_A was read immediately before DIFFAB_A for random respondents.] (CONSNT_A)
1) Strongly favor 45.1
2) Favor 30.5
3) Oppose 11.3
4) Strongly oppose 7.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.1
64) Do you strongly favor, favor, oppose, or strongly oppose allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry legally? (Q146A) (MARGL_A)
1) Strongly favor 14.1
2) Favor 24.6
3) Oppose 22.1
4) Strongly oppose 30.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 8.2
65) Do you strongly favor, favor, oppose, or strongly oppose allowing gay and lesbian couples to enter into legal agreements with each other that would give them many of the same rights as married couples? (Q146B) (LGLGL_A)
1) Strongly favor 21.7
2) Favor 35.0
3) Oppose 16.8
4) Strongly oppose 20.7
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.8
66) If MARGL_A = 1 or 2: Which of these statements comes closer to your view? [Choices #1 and 2 were read in random order] (Q147) (GAYMAR_A)
1) Supporters of gay marriage should not push too hard to make it legal right away, because doing so could create bad feelings against homosexuals 41.8
2) Supporters of gay marriage should push hard to make it legal as soon as possible, despite the risk of creating bad feelings against homosexuals 45.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 12.7
67) Thinking again about abortion... Regardless of whether or not you think abortion should be legal, do you think it would be a good thing to reduce the number of abortions performed in the United States, or don't you feel this way? [Form 1 only] (Q151) (LESSAB_A)
1) Good thing to reduce the number of abortions 64.6
2) Don't feel this way 25.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 9.8
68) And from what you know, does Barack Obama think it would be a good thing to reduce the number of abortions performed in the United States, or doesn't he feel this way? [Form 1 only] (Q152) (OBLESS_A)
1) Obama thinks it would be a good thing to reduce the number of abortions 37.6
2) Obama doesn't feel this way 18.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 43.7
69) As you may know, Barack Obama has said that he favors reducing the number of abortions. What about you? Regardless of whether or not you think abortion should be legal, do you think it would be a good thing to reduce the number of abortions performed in the United States, or don't you feel this way? [Form 2 only] (Q153) (FEWAB_A)
1) Good thing to reduce the number of abortions 68.8
2) Don't feel this way 20.3
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 10.9
70) Just your impression, in the United States today, is there a lot of discrimination against Evangelical Christians, or not? (Q170A) [Note: Questions DEVANG_A through DWOMEN_A were read together as a block, but were read in a random in order within the block.] (DEVANG_A)
1) Yes, a lot of discrimination 26.7
2) No, not a lot of discrimination 56.3
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 17.0
71) And is there a lot of discrimination against Muslims, or not? (Q170B) (DMUSLM_A)
1) Yes, a lot of discrimination 58.3
2) No, not a lot of discrimination 29.1
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 12.6
72) Is there a lot of discrimination against Jews, or not? (Q170C) (DJEWS_A)
1) Yes, a lot of discrimination 34.8
2) No, not a lot of discrimination 53.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 11.3
73) Is there a lot of discrimination against Atheists, that is, people who don't believe in God, or not? (Q170D) (DATH_A)
1) Yes, a lot of discrimination 26.5
2) No, not a lot of discrimination 59.3
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 14.2
[ Analyze Results | Add to Question Bank | View more questions about Atheists, View of ]
74) Is there a lot of discrimination against Mormons, or not? (Q170E) (DMORM_A)
1) Yes, a lot of discrimination 24.1
2) No, not a lot of discrimination 55.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 20.0
75) Is there a lot of discrimination against blacks, or not? [Form 1 only] (Q170F) (DBLK_A)
1) Yes, a lot of discrimination 48.8
2) No, not a lot of discrimination 45.7
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.5
76) Is there a lot of discrimination against gays and lesbians, or not? [Form 1 only] (Q170G) (DGL_A)
1) Yes, a lot of discrimination 63.7
2) No, not a lot of discrimination 29.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 6.4
77) Is there a lot of discrimination against Hispanics, or not? [Form 2 only] (Q170H) (DHISP_A)
1) Yes, a lot of discrimination 51.9
2) No, not a lot of discrimination 40.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 7.2
78) Is there a lot of discrimination against women, or not? [Form 2 only] (Q170I) (DWOMEN_A)
1) Yes, a lot of discrimination 37.2
2) No, not a lot of discrimination 58.7
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 4.1
79) Do you, yourself, happen to know anyone who is Muslim? (Q175) (KNOMUS_A)
1) Yes 45.5
2) No 53.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.6
80) As I read a pair of statements, tell me whether the first statement or the second statement comes closer to your own views even if neither is exactly right... (Q176) (MUSVIO_A)
1) Statement A: The Islamic religion is more likely than others to encourage violence among its believers 38.5
2) Statement B: The Islamic religion does not encourage violence more than others 45.4
3) Neither (VOL.) 1.4
9) Don't know (VOL.) 14.7
81) Do you happen to know what name Muslims use to refer to God? (Q178) [Note: MUSGOD_A was read immediately after MUSQUR_A for random respondents.] (MUSGOD_A)
1) Yes, and respondent gave correct answer [Allah] 52.6
2) Yes, but respondent gave incorrect answer 7.2
9) No/Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 40.2
82) Do you happen to know the name of the Islamic equivalent to the Bible? (Q179) (MUSQUR_A)
1) Yes, and respondent gave correct answer [Qur'an/Koran] 51.8
2) Yes, but respondent gave incorrect answer 3.6
9) No/Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 44.6
83) Do you personally believe that having an abortion is morally acceptable, morally wrong, or is it not a moral issue? (Q180A) [Note: MORAB_A through MORAL_A were read together as a block, but were read in a random order within the block.] (MORAB_A)
1) Morally acceptable 10.4
2) Morally wrong 52.4
3) Not a moral issue 24.9
4) Depends on situation (VOL.) 8.3
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 4.0
84) And is homosexual behavior morally acceptable, morally wrong, or is it not a moral issue? (Q180B) (MORGL_A)
1) Morally acceptable 8.9
2) Morally wrong 48.6
3) Not a moral issue 35.1
4) Depends on situation (VOL.) 1.8
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.7
85) Is divorce morally acceptable, morally wrong, or is it not a moral issue? [Form 1 only] (Q180C) (MORDI_A)
1) Morally acceptable 20.5
2) Morally wrong 29.4
3) Not a moral issue 40.4
4) Depends on situation (VOL.) 5.8
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 3.9
86) Is drinking alcohol morally acceptable, morally wrong, or is it not a moral issue? [Form 2 only] (Q180D) (MORAL_A)
1) Morally acceptable 20.2
2) Morally wrong 15.0
3) Not a moral issue 56.1
4) Depends on situation (VOL.) 6.1
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 2.6
87) How important is religion in your life -- very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important? (Q185) (IMPREL_A)
1) Very important 56.0
2) Somewhat important 25.9
3) Not too important 8.4
4) Not at all important 8.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.2
88) Holy book insert for HBOOK_A and LITERL_A (TXT186) (HTEXT_A)
1) The Bible 95.9
2) The Torah 1.7
3) The Koran 0.2
4) The Holy Scripture 2.2
89) Which comes closest to your view? [Note: See answer to HTEXT_A for the name of the holy book inserted below.] (Q186) (HBOOK_A)
1) [Holy book] is the word of God 69.0
2) [Holy book] is a book written by men and is not the word of God 22.4
3) Other (VOL.) 3.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.0
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90) If HBOOK_A = 1: And would you say that... [Note: See answer to HTEXT_A for the name of the holy book inserted below.] (Q187) (LITERL_A)
1) [Holy book] is to be taken literally, word for word 48.5
2) Not everything in [Holy book] should be taken literally, word for word 46.3
3) Other (VOL.) 1.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 3.7
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91) People practice their religion in different ways. Outside of attending religious services, do you pray several times a day, once a day, a few times a week, once a week, a few times a month, seldom, or never? (Q188) (PRAY_A)
1) Several times a day 35.1
2) Once a day 19.8
3) A few times a week 14.2
4) Once a week 3.2
5) A few times a month 6.1
6) Seldom 10.7
7) Never 8.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 2.3
92) Do you think of yourself as a member of a minority because of your religious beliefs, or not? (Q189) (MINREL_A)
1) Yes 19.1
2) No 77.7
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 3.2
93) If RELIG = 1, 3-8, 11, 13-14, or (RELIG = 99 and CHR = 1): From what you know, do you think that the Catholic religion and your own religion are very similar, somewhat similar, somewhat different, or very different? (Q190A) [See Note 2: Randomization of Religious Similarity Variables on the ARDA Summary Page for randomization information.] (SCATH_A)
1) Very similar 15.2
2) Somewhat similar 30.8
3) Somewhat different 29.1
4) Very different 19.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.3
94) If RELIG = 2-8, 11, 14, or (RELIG = 99 and CHR = 1): From what you know, do you think that the Protestant religion and your own religion are very similar, somewhat similar, somewhat different, or very different? (Q190B) [See Note 2: Randomization of Religious Similarity Variables on the ARDA Summary Page for randomization information.] (SPROT_A)
1) Very similar 16.6
2) Somewhat similar 36.7
3) Somewhat different 21.9
4) Very different 11.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 13.3
95) If RELIG = 1-2, 4-8, 11, 13-14, or (RELIG = 99 and CHR = 1): From what you know, do you think that the Mormon religion and your own religion are very similar, somewhat similar, somewhat different, or very different? (Q190C) [See Note 2: Randomization of Religious Similarity Variables on the ARDA Summary Page for randomization information.] (SMORM_A)
1) Very similar 3.3
2) Somewhat similar 18.1
3) Somewhat different 23.8
4) Very different 35.8
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 19.0
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96) If RELIG = 1-4, 6-8, 11, 13-14, or (RELIG = 99 and CHR = 1): From what you know, do you think that the Jewish religion and your own religion are very similar, somewhat similar, somewhat different, or very different? (Q190D) [See Note 2: Randomization of Religious Similarity Variables on the ARDA Summary Page for randomization information.] (SJEWSH_A)
1) Very similar 8.0
2) Somewhat similar 29.4
3) Somewhat different 26.0
4) Very different 20.8
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 15.8
97) If RELIG = 1-5, 7-8, 11, 13-14, or (RELIG = 99 and CHR = 1): From what you know, do you think that the Muslim religion and your own religion are very similar, somewhat similar, somewhat different, or very different? (Q190E) [See Note 2: Randomization of Religious Similarity Variables on the ARDA Summary Page for randomization information.] (SMUSLM_A)
1) Very similar 2.9
2) Somewhat similar 14.2
3) Somewhat different 19.3
4) Very different 46.7
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 16.9
98) If RELIG = 1-6, 8, 11, 13-14, or (RELIG = 99 and CHR = 1): From what you know, do you think that the Buddhist religion and your own religion are very similar, somewhat similar, somewhat different, or very different? [Form 1 only] (Q190F) [See Note 2: Randomization of Religious Similarity Variables on the ARDA Summary Page for randomization information.] (SBUDDH_A)
1) Very similar 2.0
2) Somewhat similar 8.7
3) Somewhat different 15.7
4) Very different 50.7
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 23.0
99) If RELIG = 1-7, 11, 13-14, or (RELIG = 99 and CHR = 1): From what you know, do you think that the Hindu religion and your own religion are very similar, somewhat similar, somewhat different, or very different? [Form 2 only] (Q190G) [See Note 2: Randomization of Religious Similarity Variables on the ARDA Summary Page for randomization information.] (SHINDU_A)
1) Very similar 2.2
2) Somewhat similar 8.9
3) Somewhat different 15.0
4) Very different 44.1
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 29.9
100) If RELIG = 9-10, 12, or (RELIG = 99 or CHR = 2 or 9): From what you know, do you think that the Catholic religion and your own beliefs are very similar, somewhat similar, somewhat different, or very different? (Q191A) [See Note 2: Randomization of Religious Similarity Variables on the ARDA Summary Page for randomization information.] (ACATH_A)
1) Very similar 3.9
2) Somewhat similar 26.7
3) Somewhat different 23.2
4) Very different 28.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 17.2
101) If RELIG = 9-10, 12, or (RELIG = 99 or CHR = 2 or 9): From what you know, do you think that the Protestant religion and your own beliefs are very similar, somewhat similar, somewhat different, or very different? (Q191B) [See Note 2: Randomization of Religious Similarity Variables on the ARDA Summary Page for randomization information.] (APROT_A)
1) Very similar 4.4
2) Somewhat similar 21.5
3) Somewhat different 20.5
4) Very different 26.1
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 27.5
102) If RELIG = 9-10, 12, or (RELIG = 99 or CHR = 2 or 9): From what you know, do you think that the Mormon religion and your own beliefs are very similar, somewhat similar, somewhat different, or very different? (Q191C) [See Note 2: Randomization of Religious Similarity Variables on the ARDA Summary Page for randomization information.] (AMORM_A)
1) Very similar 1.0
2) Somewhat similar 15.4
3) Somewhat different 15.9
4) Very different 40.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 27.1
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103) If RELIG = 9-10, 12, or (RELIG = 99 or CHR = 2 or 9): From what you know, do you think that the Jewish religion and your own beliefs are very similar, somewhat similar, somewhat different, or very different? (Q191D) [See Note 2: Randomization of Religious Similarity Variables on the ARDA Summary Page for randomization information.] (AJEWSH_A)
1) Very similar 3.8
2) Somewhat similar 21.7
3) Somewhat different 18.3
4) Very different 28.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 27.6
104) If RELIG = 9-10, 12, or (RELIG = 99 or CHR = 2 or 9): From what you know, do you think that the Muslim religion and your own beliefs are very similar, somewhat similar, somewhat different, or very different? (Q191E) [See Note 2: Randomization of Religious Similarity Variables on the ARDA Summary Page for randomization information.] (AMUSLM_A)
1) Very similar 0.2
2) Somewhat similar 13.7
3) Somewhat different 20.9
4) Very different 37.8
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 27.2
105) If RELIG = 9-10, 12, or (RELIG = 99 or CHR = 2 or 9): From what you know, do you think that the Buddhist religion and your own beliefs are very similar, somewhat similar, somewhat different, or very different? (Q191F) [See Note 2: Randomization of Religious Similarity Variables on the ARDA Summary Page for randomization information.] (ABUDDH_A)
1) Very similar 3.1
2) Somewhat similar 22.7
3) Somewhat different 15.2
4) Very different 29.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 29.4
106) If RELIG = 9-10, 12, or (RELIG = 99 or CHR = 2 or 9): From what you know, do you think that the Hindu religion and your own beliefs are very similar, somewhat similar, somewhat different, or very different? (Q191G) [See Note 2: Randomization of Religious Similarity Variables on the ARDA Summary Page for randomization information.] (AHINDU_A)
1) Very similar 0.8
2) Somewhat similar 12.8
3) Somewhat different 20.1
4) Very different 30.7
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 35.7
107) Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President? (If respondent said that it depends, question was asked again and prefaced with the word 'Overall') (Q201) (OBAMAP_B)
1) Approve 51.8
2) Disapprove 36.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 11.7
108) All in all, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way things are going in this country today? (Q202) (COUNTR_B)
1) Satisfied 28.2
2) Dissatisfied 65.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 6.6
109) Congressional trial heat combined with leaners (CHEAT) (CHEAT_B)
1) Republican/Lean Republican 44.4
2) Democrat/Lean Democrat 45.4
3) Other/Lean other (VOL.) 3.5
9) Don't know/No lean (VOL.) 6.8
110) If the elections for U.S. Congress were being held today, would you vote for the Republican Party's candidate or the Democratic Party's candidate for Congress in your district? (Q210) (ELECT_B)
1) Republican Party's candidate 34.9
2) Democratic Party's candidate 39.8
3) Other (VOL.) 6.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 18.7
111) If ELECT_B = 3 or 9: As of today, do you lean more to the Republican or the Democrat? (Q211) (LEAN_B)
1) Republican Party's candidate 29.4
2) Democratic Party's candidate 22.9
3) Other (VOL.) 14.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 33.1
112) Thinking more generally... Is your overall opinion of the Republican Party very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (Q212A) [Note: GOP_B, DEMS_B and CONG_B were read together as a block, but were read in a random order within the block.] (GOP_B)
1) Very favorable 6.4
2) Mostly favorable 33.9
3) Mostly unfavorable 31.3
4) Very unfavorable 18.5
5) Never heard of (VOL.) 0.1
8) Can't rate (VOL.) 4.7
9) Refused (VOL.) 5.1
113) Is your overall opinion of the Democratic Party very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (Q212B) (DEMS_B)
1) Very favorable 11.0
2) Mostly favorable 37.0
3) Mostly unfavorable 23.6
4) Very unfavorable 18.6
5) Never heard of (VOL.) 0.0
8) Can't rate (VOL.) 5.6
9) Refused (VOL.) 4.2
114) Is your overall opinion of Congress favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (Q212C) (CONG_B)
1) Very favorable 4.1
2) Mostly favorable 32.6
3) Mostly unfavorable 31.7
4) Very unfavorable 20.4
5) Never heard of (VOL.) 0.4
8) Can't rate (VOL.) 6.0
9) Refused (VOL.) 4.6
115) How much, if anything, have you heard about the bills in Congress to overhaul the health care system? (Q215) (HLTHBL_B)
1) A lot 52.5
2) A little 39.8
3) Nothing at all 6.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.1
116) As of right now, do you generally favor or generally oppose the health care proposals being discussed in Congress? (Q216) (HLTHFV_B)
1) Generally favor 39.4
2) Generally oppose 45.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 14.7
117) If HLTHFV_B = 1-2: Do you (favor/oppose) these health care proposals very strongly, or not so strongly? (Q217) (STRONG_B)
1) Very strongly 69.1
2) Not so strongly 28.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 2.4
118) How much confidence do you have in Barack Obama to do the right thing when it comes to dealing with health care reform - a great deal of confidence, a fair amount of confidence, not too much confidence, or no confidence at all? (Q220A) [Note: OBCON_B through REPCON_B were read together as a block, but were read in a random order within the block.] (OBCON_B)
1) A great deal of confidence 25.6
2) A fair amount of confidence 29.6
3) Not too much confidence 20.5
4) No confidence at all 21.7
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 2.5
119) How much confidence do you have in Democratic leaders in Congress to do the right thing when it comes to dealing with health care reform - a great deal of confidence, a fair amount of confidence, not too much confidence, or no confidence at all? (Q220B) (DEMCON_B)
1) A great deal of confidence 11.8
2) A fair amount of confidence 33.2
3) Not too much confidence 27.9
4) No confidence at all 23.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 3.6
120) How much confidence do you have in Republican leaders in Congress to do the right thing when it comes to dealing with health care reform - a great deal of confidence, a fair amount of confidence, not too much confidence, or no confidence at all? (Q220C) (REPCON_B)
1) A great deal of confidence 7.5
2) A fair amount of confidence 32.4
3) Not too much confidence 35.7
4) No confidence at all 20.8
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 3.6
121) Do you think you and your family would be [better off or worse off] if the president and Congress passed health care reform, or don't you think it would make much difference? [Choices 1 and 2 were read in reverse order for random respondents] (Q221A) [Note: This question was read after CTRBET_B for random respondents.] (FAMBET_B)
1) Better off 27.0
2) Worse off 29.8
3) Wouldn't make much difference 36.0
4) Depends (VOL.) 1.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.3
122) Do you think the country as a whole would be [better off or worse off] if the president and Congress passed health care reform, or don't you think it would make much difference? [Choices 1 and 2 were read in reverse order for random respondents] (Q221B) (CTRBET_B)
1) Better off 39.4
2) Worse off 32.4
3) Wouldn't make much difference 18.6
4) Depends (VOL.) 3.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 6.1
123) On another subject... Do you think abortion should be... [Choices were read in reverse order for random half of the sample] (Q240) (ABORTN_B)
1) Legal in all cases 16.8
2) Legal in most cases 32.0
3) Illegal in most cases 26.6
4) Illegal in all cases 17.8
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 6.9
124) Do you ever wonder whether your own position on abortion is the right one or not? (Q241) (ABWNDR_B)
1) Yes 26.1
2) No 66.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 7.8
125) Do you think the issue of abortion is a critical issue facing the country, one among many important issues, or not that important compared to other issues? (Q242) (ABIMP_B)
1) A critical issue facing the country 15.3
2) One among many important issues 33.1
3) Not that important compared to other issues 48.4
9) Don't know/refused (VOL.) 3.2
126) If ABORTN_B = 1-2: And do you think the view that abortion should be against the law is a respectable opinion for someone to hold, or not? (Q243) (ABRSP1_B)
1) Yes 49.9
2) No 42.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 7.8
127) If ABORTN_B = 3-4: And do you think the view that abortion should be legal is a respectable opinion for someone to hold, or not? (Q244) (ABRSP2_B)
1) Yes 44.1
2) No 46.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 9.4
128) On another subject... Do you strongly favor, favor, oppose, or strongly oppose allowing churches and other houses of worship to apply, along with other organizations, for government funding to provide social services such as job training or drug treatment counseling to people who need them? (Q249) (GVFUND_B)
1) Strongly favor 23.9
2) Favor 43.9
3) Oppose 16.8
4) Strongly oppose 9.7
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.7
129) As I name some groups, please tell me whether you feel each one is generally friendly toward religion, neutral toward religion, or unfriendly toward religion. First, do you feel that the Democratic Party is generally friendly toward religion, neutral toward religion, or unfriendly toward religion? (Q250A) [Note: FRDEM_B through FRSCI_B were read together as a block, but were read in a random order within the block.] (FRDEM_B)
1) Friendly toward religion 28.9
2) Neutral toward religion 38.7
3) Unfriendly toward religion 21.8
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 10.7
130) Do you feel that the Republican Party is generally friendly toward religion, neutral toward religion, or unfriendly toward religion? (Q250B) (FRREP_B)
1) Friendly toward religion 47.9
2) Neutral toward religion 28.6
3) Unfriendly toward religion 11.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 11.6
131) Do you feel that Hollywood and the makers of movies and TV entertainment shows are generally friendly toward religion, neutral toward religion, or unfriendly toward religion? (Q250C) (FRHOLL_B)
1) Friendly toward religion 10.8
2) Neutral toward religion 33.7
3) Unfriendly toward religion 47.0
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 8.5
132) Do you feel that news reporters and the news media are generally friendly toward religion, neutral toward religion, or unfriendly toward religion? (Q250D) (FRNEWS_B)
1) Friendly toward religion 14.0
2) Neutral toward religion 42.3
3) Unfriendly toward religion 35.0
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 8.7
133) Do you feel that the Obama administration is generally friendly toward religion, neutral toward religion, or unfriendly toward religion? (Q250F) (FROBAM_B)
1) Friendly toward religion 37.1
2) Neutral toward religion 35.5
3) Unfriendly toward religion 17.1
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 10.3
134) Do you feel that scientists are generally friendly toward religion, neutral toward religion, or unfriendly toward religion? (Q250G) (FRSCI_B)
1) Friendly toward religion 11.5
2) Neutral toward religion 42.2
3) Unfriendly toward religion 35.0
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 11.3
135) In general, who do you think can do the best job of providing services to people in need... [Choices 1 through 3 were read in random order] (Q260) (SERVS_B)
1) Religious organizations 36.5
2) Non-religious, community-based organizations 28.5
3) Federal and state government agencies 24.6
4) Family/friends/other (VOL.) 0.5
5) None of the above (VOL.) 1.7
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 8.3
136) Now, thinking about some specific problem areas. For each item that I read, please tell me who you think could do the best job of providing services to people in need. First, who could do the best job providing treatment for drug and alcohol addiction: a religious organization, a non-religious community-based group, or a federal or state government agency? [Form 1 only] (Q261AF1) [Note: STREAT_B through SPRISN_B were read together as a block, but were read in a random order within the block.] (STREAT_B)
1) A religious organization 29.2
2) A non-religious, community-based group 39.8
3) A federal or state government agency 23.8
4) None of the above (VOL.) 1.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.6
137) Who could do the best job providing literacy training services: a religious organization, a non-religious community-based group, or a federal or state government agency? [Form 2 only] (Q261BF2) (SLITER_B)
1) A religious organization 13.0
2) A non-religious, community-based group 35.7
3) A federal or state government agency 42.7
4) None of the above (VOL.) 1.0
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 7.7
138) Who could do the best job providing mentoring programs for young people: a religious organization, a non-religious community-based group, or a federal or state government agency? [Form 1 only] (Q261CF1) (SMENT_B)
1) A religious organization 41.6
2) A non-religious, community-based group 38.7
3) A federal or state government agency 12.1
4) None of the above (VOL.) 2.1
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.5
139) Who could do the best job feeding the homeless: a religious organization, a non-religious community-based group, or a federal or state government agency? [Form 2 only] (Q261DF2) (SFEED_B)
1) A religious organization 51.6
2) A non-religious, community-based group 21.6
3) A federal or state government agency 21.2
4) None of the above (VOL.) 0.7
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.0
140) Who could do the best job counseling teens about pregnancy: a religious organization, a non-religious community-based group, or a federal or state government agency? [Form 1 only] (Q261EF1) (STEEN_B)
1) A religious organization 38.6
2) A non-religious, community-based group 38.8
3) A federal or state government agency 14.6
4) None of the above (VOL.) 3.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 4.9
141) Who could do the best job providing child care services: a religious organization, a non-religious community-based group, or a federal or state government agency? [Form 2 only] (Q261FF2) (SCHILD_B)
1) A religious organization 31.7
2) A non-religious, community-based group 34.2
3) A federal or state government agency 27.1
4) None of the above (VOL.) 2.1
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 4.9
142) Who could do the best job providing health care services: a religious organization, a non-religious community-based group, or a federal or state government agency? [Form 1 only] (Q261GF1) (SHELTH_B)
1) A religious organization 12.0
2) A non-religious, community-based group 33.8
3) A federal or state government agency 42.7
4) None of the above (VOL.) 4.1
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 7.4
143) Who could do the best job providing job training services: a religious organization, a non-religious community-based group, or a federal or state government agency? [Form 2 only] (Q261HF2) (SJOBTR_B)
1) A religious organization 6.5
2) A non-religious, community-based group 35.4
3) A federal or state government agency 51.2
4) None of the above (VOL.) 1.3
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.6
144) Who could do the best job counseling and educating prisoners: a religious organization, a non-religious community-based group, or a federal or state government agency? [Form 1 only] (Q261IF1) (SPRISN_B)
1) A religious organization 38.3
2) A non-religious, community-based group 23.0
3) A federal or state government agency 31.0
4) None of the above (VOL.) 1.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.8
145) I'm going to read the names of some specific religious groups. For each one that I name, please tell me whether you would favor or oppose this group applying for government funds to provide social services to people who need them. First: Individual churches, synagogues and other houses of worship (Q262A) [Note: FCHRCH_B was read after FCHAR_B for random respondents.] (FCHRCH_B)
1) Favor 58.7
2) Oppose 35.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.8
146) Please tell me whether you would favor or oppose charitable organizations that have a religious affiliation applying for government funds to provide social services to people who need them. (Q262B) (FCHAR_B)
1) Favor 67.8
2) Oppose 27.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.0
147) Please tell me whether you would favor or oppose Catholic churches applying for government funds to provide social services to people who need them. [Form 1 only] (Q262CF1) [Note: Questions FCATH_B through FEVCHR_B were read together as a block, but were read in random order within the block.] (FCATH_B)
1) Favor 59.7
2) Oppose 36.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 3.8
148) Please tell me whether you would favor or oppose Protestant churches applying for government funds to provide social services to people who need them. [Form 2 only] (Q262DF2) (FPROT_B)
1) Favor 56.1
2) Oppose 34.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 9.0
149) Please tell me whether you would favor or oppose Muslim mosques applying for government funds to provide social services to people who need them. [Form 1 only] (Q262EF1) (FMOSQ_B)
1) Favor 38.6
2) Oppose 52.1
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 9.3
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150) Please tell me whether you would favor or oppose Jewish synagogues applying for government funds to provide social services to people who need them. [Form 2 only] (Q262FF2) (FSYNAG_B)
1) Favor 52.3
2) Oppose 36.4
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 11.3
151) Please tell me whether you would favor or oppose the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormon churches, applying for government funds to provide social services to people who need them. [Form 2 only] (Q262GF2) (FMORMN_B)
1) Favor 47.6
2) Oppose 43.1
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 9.3
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152) Please tell me whether you would favor or oppose Evangelical Christian churches applying for government funds to provide social services to people who need them. [Form 1 only] (Q262HF1) (FEVCHR_B)
1) Favor 54.9
2) Oppose 37.8
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 7.3
153) Please tell me whether you would favor or oppose groups that encourage religious conversion as part of the services they provide applying for government funds to provide social services to people who need them. (Q262I) (FCONV_B)
1) Favor 28.2
2) Oppose 62.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 9.2
154) Here are a few reasons why some people oppose the idea of allowing churches and other houses of worship to use government money to provide social services. Please tell me whether each one is an important concern of yours, or not. First: This would interfere with the separation between church and state (Q263A) [Note: NOSEP_B through NOINV_B were read together as a block, but were read in a random order within the block. For random respondents, this block of questions was read after the block of questions comprised of YCHNGE_B through YCHOIC_B was read.] (NOSEP_B)
1) Important concern 51.7
2) Not an important concern 45.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 2.8
155) Please tell me whether [this reason why some people oppose the idea of allowing churches and other houses of worship to use government money to provide social services] is an important concern of yours, or not: The people who receive these services might be forced to take part in religious practices (Q263B) (NOFORC_B)
1) Important concern 59.6
2) Not an important concern 37.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 2.8
156) Please tell me whether [this reason why some people oppose the idea of allowing churches and other houses of worship to use government money to provide social services] is an important concern of yours, or not: The programs may not meet the same standards as government-based programs (Q263C) (NOSTAN_B)
1) Important concern 48.3
2) Not an important concern 47.7
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 4.0
157) Please tell me whether [this reason why some people oppose the idea of allowing churches and other houses of worship to use government money to provide social services] is an important concern of yours, or not: This might increase religious divisions within this country (Q263D) (NODIVS_B)
1) Important concern 47.0
2) Not an important concern 49.1
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 3.8
158) Please tell me whether [this reason why some people oppose the idea of allowing churches and other houses of worship to use government money to provide social services] is an important concern of yours, or not: Government might get too involved in what religious organizations do (Q263E) (NOINV_B)
1) Important concern 68.9
2) Not an important concern 28.4
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 2.8
159) Here are a few reasons why some people favor the idea of allowing churches and other houses of worship to use government money to provide social services. Please tell me whether you think each one is an important reason to favor this, or not? First: Religious groups could do a better job because the power of religion can change people's lives (Q264A) [Note: YCHNGE_B through YEFFIC_B were read together as a block, but were read in a random order within the block. For random respondents, this block of questions was read before the block of questions comprised of NOSEP_B through NOINV_B was read.] (YCHNGE_B)
1) Important reason 59.4
2) Not an important reason 37.3
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 3.3
160) Please tell me whether you think [this reason why some people favor the idea of allowing churches and other houses of worship to use government money to provide social services] is an important reason to favor this [idea], or not: The people who provide the services would be more caring and compassionate (Q264B) (YCARE_B)
1) Important reason 68.4
2) Not an important reason 28.1
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 3.5
161) Please tell me whether you think [this reason why some people favor the idea of allowing churches and other houses of worship to use government money to provide social services] is an important reason to favor this [idea], or not: Religious groups could provide services more efficiently than government programs (Q264C) (YEFFIC_B)
1) Important reason 58.5
2) Not an important reason 36.3
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.2
162) Please tell me whether you think [this reason why some people favor the idea of allowing churches and other houses of worship to use government money to provide social services] is an important reason to favor this [idea], or not: People who need social services should have a variety of options to pick from (Q264D) (YCHOIC_B)
1) Important reason 78.2
2) Not an important reason 18.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 3.3
163) If religious organizations do use government funds to provide social services, do you think these organizations should be allowed to only hire people who share their religious beliefs, or should they not be allowed to do this? (Q265) (HIRE_B)
1) Should be allowed to only hire people who share their religious beliefs 21.1
2) Shouldn't be allowed to do this 73.8
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.1
164) From what you know, does Barack Obama favor or oppose allowing churches and other houses of worship to apply for government funding to provide social services? (Q270) [Note: OBAPP_B and OBEMP_B were asked immediately after BUSHAP_B for random respondents.] (OBAPP_B)
1) Favor 27.4
2) Oppose 17.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 54.6
165) If OBAPP_B = 1: Do you think Barack Obama emphasizes this issue too much, too little, or about the right amount? (Q271) (OBEMP_B)
1) Too much 10.0
2) Too little 18.1
3) About the right amount 65.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 6.3
166) From what you know, did George W. Bush favor or oppose allowing churches and other houses of worship to apply for government funding to provide social services? (Q272) [Note: This question was asked immediately before OBAPP_B for random respondents.] (BUSHAP_B)
1) Favor 36.3
2) Oppose 16.1
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 47.6
167) How important is religion in your life - very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not at all important? (Q280) (RELIFE_B)
1) Very important 58.7
2) Somewhat important 23.6
3) Not too important 8.3
4) Not at all important 8.1
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.3
168) If ATTEND = 1-4: Aside from when you're traveling and special events like weddings and funerals, do you always attend religious services at the same place, mostly attend at one place but occasionally go to different places, or do you go to different places on a regular basis? (Q281) (ATSAME_B)
1) Always attend at the same place 49.7
2) Mostly attend at one place but occasionally go to different places 36.8
3) Go to different places on a regular basis 12.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.3
169) If ATSAME_B = 2-3 and respondent is either Protestant or 'just Christian' (RELIG = 1 or 13): And aside from weddings and funerals, do you ever attend services at a Protestant denomination different than your own? (Q282A) [Note: ATDPRT_B through ATMULT_B were read together as a block, but were read in a random order within the block.] (ATDPRT_B)
1) Yes 62.7
2) No 33.3
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 4.0
170) If ATSAME_B = 2-3 and respondent isn't Protestant or 'just Christian' (RELIG not equal to 1 or 13): And aside from weddings and funerals, do you ever attend services at a Protestant church? (Q282B) (ATPROT_B)
1) Yes 40.3
2) No 58.3
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.4
171) If ATSAME_B = 2-3 and respondent isn't Catholic (RELIG not equal to 2): And aside from weddings and funerals, do you ever attend Catholic mass? (Q282C) (ATCATH_B)
1) Yes 40.5
2) No 59.1
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.4
172) If ATSAME_B = 2-3 and respondent isn't Jewish (RELIG not equal to 5): And aside from weddings and funerals, do you ever attend services at a Jewish synagogue? (Q282D) (ATSYNA_B)
1) Yes 12.4
2) No 87.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.1
173) If ATSAME_B = 2-3 and respondent isn't Muslim (RELIG not equal to 6): And aside from weddings and funerals, do you ever attend services at a Muslim mosque? (Q282E) (ATMOSQ_B)
1) Yes 4.3
2) No 95.7
174) If ATSAME_B = 2-3: And aside from weddings and funerals, do you ever attend services of a religion different than yours that I haven't mentioned? (Q282F) (ATMULT_B)
1) Yes [Other religion is specified in ATMULZ_B] 23.3
2) No 73.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 3.5
175) If ATMULT_B = 1: Name of religion(s) different than respondent's own religion whose services the respondent ever attends (Q282FOS) (ATMULZ_B)
176) First religion listed in response to ATMULZ_B, coded (Q282F_1) (ATMUL1_B)
10) Christian/Protestant (not further specified) 5.1
11) Evangelical/born again 3.4
12) Baptist/Southern Baptist 17.0
13) Pentecostal/Assemblies of God 5.6
14) Non-denominational 5.1
15) Seventh-day Adventist 1.1
16) Methodist 3.9
17) Lutheran 3.6
18) Episcopalian 3.6
19) Other Protestant 4.3
20) Catholic 3.0
21) Orthodox 3.7
22) Mormon/Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 5.3
23) Jehovah's Witness/Kingdom Hall 5.7
25) Other Christian (not identifiably Protestant) 2.3
30) Buddhist 8.9
40) Hindu 6.7
41) Jewish 0.8
50) Other non-Christian (Sikh, Taoist, Shinto, Native American, Baha'i, Pagan) 3.4
60) Universalist, ecumenical, many in one 2.5
65) Variety 0.5
90) Other (unclear whether Christian or not)/Don't know 4.6
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177) Second religion listed in response to ATMULZ_B, coded (Q282F_2) (ATMUL2_B)
12) Baptist/Southern Baptist 7.2
13) Pentecostal/Assemblies of God 4.0
14) Non-denominational 6.3
17) Lutheran 12.7
19) Other Protestant 19.1
21) Orthodox 3.6
22) Mormon/Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 3.7
23) Jehovah's Witness/Kingdom Hall 10.1
30) Buddhist 11.3
40) Hindu 5.5
50) Other non-Christian (Sikh, Taoist, Shinto, Native American, Baha'i, Pagan) 9.8
90) Other (unclear whether Christian or not)/Don't know 4.4
178) Third religion listed in response to ATMULZ_B, coded (Q282F_3) (ATMUL_3)
12) Baptist/Southern Baptist 12.9
16) Methodist 63.9
18) Episcopalian 11.7
50) Other non-Christian (Sikh, Taoist, Shinto, Native American, Baha'i, Pagan) 8.3
179) If ATSAME_B = 1: Are the religious services you attend held at a church or house of worship, or are they held at some other location such as at a restaurant or a person's home? (Q283) (LOC1_B)
1) At a church or house of worship 94.5
2) Other location 5.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.3
180) If ATSAME_B = 2-9: In general, are the religious services you attend held at houses of worship such as churches, synagogues or mosques, are they held at other locations such as at restaurants or people's homes, or do you attend services both in houses of worship and at other locations? (Q284) (LOC2_B)
1) At houses of worship 72.8
2) At other locations 3.4
3) Both 21.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 2.5
181) If LOC1_B or LOC2_B = 2: And what kind of place or location is this? / If LOC2_B = 3: What kinds of places are these other locations? (Q285) (LTYPE_B)
1) Answer given [Kind of place is specified in LTYPEZ_B] 94.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.5
182) Verbatim response recorded for LTYPE_B (LTYPEZ_B)
183) First response recorded for LTYPE_B, coded (Q285_1) (LTYPE1_B)
10) Church, synagogue, temple or other religious building 2.9
20) Homes 53.6
30) Restaurants 2.8
40) Schools 7.4
41) Stadiums, arenas, coliseums, convention centers, etc. 0.4
42) Hotels 2.5
43) Storefronts 0.2
44) Truck stop 1.0
45) Prison 0.2
46) Warehouses 0.4
47) Community centers 3.2
48) Office buildings 0.5
49) Retreat centers 0.4
50) Other buildings (theaters, halls, assisted living facilities, funeral home) 7.9
60) Parks/campgrounds 6.8
61) Tents/tent revivals 1.6
62) Other outdoor gatherings 2.7
65) Nature/outdoors alone 1.5
70) Part of special events (church camp, powwow) 0.6
80) Anywhere/everywhere 2.3
81) Television 1.0
90) Other/Don't know 0.3
184) Second response recorded for LTYPE_B, coded (Q285_2) (LTYPE2_B)
10) Church, synagogue, temple or other religious building 3.4
20) Homes 45.5
30) Restaurants 8.4
40) Schools 5.3
41) Stadiums, arenas, coliseums, convention centers, etc. 0.7
42) Hotels 7.9
43) Storefronts 0.5
46) Warehouses 0.6
47) Community centers 2.5
50) Other buildings (theaters, halls, assisted living facilities, funeral home) 3.6
60) Parks/campgrounds 3.6
62) Other outdoor gatherings 5.7
70) Part of special events (church camp, powwow) 11.1
90) Other/Don't know 1.0
185) Third response recorded for LTYPE_B, coded (Q285_3) (LTYPE3_B)
20) Homes 9.2
30) Restaurants 9.0
40) Schools 2.2
42) Hotels 9.0
46) Warehouses 17.1
50) Other buildings (theaters, halls, assisted living facilities, funeral home) 20.2
60) Parks/campgrounds 2.8
61) Tents/tent revivals 14.8
62) Other outdoor gatherings 6.6
90) Other/Don't know 9.2
186) Holy book insert for HBOOK_B and LITERL_B (TXT286) (HTEXT_B)
1) The Bible 94.5
2) The Torah 1.5
3) The Koran 0.7
4) The Holy Scripture 3.2
187) Which comes closest to your view? [Note: See answer to HTEXT_B for the name of the holy book inserted below.] (Q286) (HBOOK_B)
1) [Holy book] is the word of God 69.3
2) [Holy book] is a book written by men and is not the word of God 23.3
3) Other (VOL.) 2.8
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 4.6
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188) If HBOOK_B = 1: And would you say that... [Note: See answer to HTEXT_B for the name of the holy book inserted below.] (Q287) (LITERL_B)
1) [Holy book] is to be taken literally, word for word, 50.8
2) Not everything in [Holy book] should be taken literally, word for word 43.7
3) Other (VOL.) 1.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 3.9
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189) People practice their religion in different ways. Outside of attending religious services, do you pray several times a day, once a day, a few times a week, once a week, a few times a month, seldom, or never? (Q288) (PRAY_B)
1) Several times a day 37.2
2) Once a day 19.0
3) A few times a week 13.3
4) Once a week 4.0
5) A few times a month 5.7
6) Seldom 10.8
7) Never 7.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 2.4
190) Would you say that you have ever had a 'religious or mystical experience' - that is, a moment of sudden religious insight or awakening? (Q290) (MYSTEX_B)
1) Yes 48.7
2) No 47.8
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 3.5
191) Which, if any, of the following do you believe in? Do you believe in reincarnation, that people will be reborn in this world again and again? (Q291A) [Note: BREINC_B through BASTRO_B were read together as a block, but were read in a random order within the block.] (BREINC_B)
1) Yes, believe in 24.3
2) No, don't believe 69.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 6.5
192) Do you believe in spiritual energy located in physical things, such as mountains, trees or crystals? (Q291B) (BSPENG_B)
1) Yes, believe in 25.6
2) No, don't believe 69.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.2
193) Do you believe in yoga, not just as exercise, but as a spiritual practice? (Q291C) (BYOGA_B)
1) Yes, believe in 23.5
2) No, don't believe 69.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 6.9
194) Do you believe in the 'evil eye' or that certain people can cast curses or spells that cause bad things to happen to someone? (Q291E) (BEVILI_B)
1) Yes, believe in 16.5
2) No, don't believe 81.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 2.4
195) Do you believe in astrology, or that the position of the stars and planets can affect people's lives? (Q291F) (BASTRO_B)
1) Yes, believe in 24.5
2) No, don't believe 71.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 4.2
196) Have you ever felt that you were in touch with someone who has already died? (Q292A) (BDIED_B)
1) Yes 29.3
2) No 69.1
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.5
197) Have you ever consulted a fortune-teller or psychic? (Q292B) (BPSYCH_B)
1) Yes 14.9
2) No 84.4
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.6
198) Have you ever seen or been in the presence of a ghost? (Q292C) (BGHOST_B)
1) Yes 18.1
2) No 79.8
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 2.1
199) Verbatim response to RELIG, if recorded [Most responses are from when RELIG = 11.] (RELIGOS) (RELIGZ)
200) What is your present religion, if any? Are you Protestant, Roman Catholic, Mormon, Orthodox such as Greek or Russian Orthodox, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, atheist, agnostic, something else, or nothing in particular? (RELIG)
1) Protestant (See Note 3 on the ARDA Summary Page for description) 40.2
2) Roman Catholic (Catholic) 22.6
3) Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints/LDS) 1.7
4) Orthodox (Greek, Russian, or some other orthodox church) 0.5
5) Jewish (Judaism) 1.6
6) Muslim (Islam) 0.5
7) Buddhist 1.1
8) Hindu 0.2
9) Atheist (do not believe in God) 1.9
10) Agnostic (not sure if there is a God) 3.4
11) Something else (VOL., see RELIGZ) 1.5
12) Nothing in particular 11.7
13) Christian (VOL.) 11.3
14) Unitarian (Universalist) (VOL.) 0.3
99) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.6
201) If RELIG = 11-12 or 99: Do you think of yourself as a Christian or not? [Note: If respondent named a non-Christian religion in RELIG, CHR was not read and respondent was assigned a value of 2 on CHR.] (CHR)
1) Yes 54.7
2) No 37.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 8.1
202) If RELIG = 1-4 or CHR = 1: Would you describe yourself as a 'born again' or evangelical Christian, or not? (BORN)
1) Yes, would 42.4
2) No, would not 52.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.0
203) Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious services... more than once a week, once a week, once or twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never? (ATTEND)
1) More than once a week 14.3
2) Once a week 23.5
3) Once or twice a month 16.0
4) A few times a year 18.2
5) Seldom 16.5
6) Never 10.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.0
204) Sex of respondent (SEX)
1) Male 48.4
2) Female 51.6
205) What is your age? [Note: A code of '99' represents that a respondent refused to answer or did not know the answer to this question.] (AGE)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
206) Respondent's age, recoded (RECAGE) (AGE_RE)
1) 18 to 24 13.2
2) 25 to 34 16.6
3) 35 to 44 17.9
4) 45 to 54 19.4
5) 55 to 64 14.8
6) 65 or older 16.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.3
207) What is the last grade or class that you completed in school? [Answer choices were not read] (EDUC)
1) None, or grade 1-8 3.8
2) High school incomplete (Grades 9-11) 9.7
3) High school graduate (Grade 12 or GED certificate) 31.2
4) Technical, trade, or vocational school after high school 3.3
5) Some college, associate degree, no four-year degree 24.0
6) College graduate (B.S., B.A., or other four-year degree) 16.1
7) Post-graduate training or professional schooling after college (e.g., toward a master's Degree or Ph.D.; law or medical school) 11.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.4
208) Recoded education (RECEDUC) (EDUC_RE)
1) Less than a high school diploma 13.5
2) High school graduate 34.5
3) Some college, no four-year degree 24.0
4) At least a four-year college degree 27.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.4
209) Respondent was randomly asked HISP1 or HISP3 (HISPRAN) (HISP_KEY)
1) Respondent was asked HISP1 50.1
2) Respondent was asked HISP3 49.9
210) Are you yourself of Hispanic or Latino origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish background? [Respondents were randomly asked HISP1 or HISP3, see HISP_KEY] (HISP1)
1) Yes 13.2
2) No 86.1
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.7
211) Are you of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin? [Respondents were randomly asked HISP1 or HISP3, see HISP_KEY] (HISP3)
1) Yes 12.8
2) No 86.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.7
212) Combination of responses to HISP1 and HISP3 (HISPX)
1) Yes 13.0
2) No 86.3
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.7
213) Which of the following describes your race? You can select as many as apply. [RACE1 captures the first answer respondents provided to this question.] (RACE1_1) (RACE1)
1) White 75.7
2) Black or African-American 14.2
3) Asian or Asian-American 1.9
4) Some other race 6.7
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.5
214) Which of the following describes your race? [RACE2 captures the second answer respondents provided to this question, when applicable.] (RACE1_2) (RACE2)
2) Black or African-American 21.1
3) Asian or Asian-American 7.8
4) Some other race 71.1
215) Which of the following describes your race? [RACE3 captures the third answer respondents provided to this question, when applicable.] (RACE1_3) (RACE3)
3) Asian or Asian-American 89.5
4) Some other race 11.0
216) Which of the following describes your race? [RACE4 captures the fourth answer respondents provided to this question, when applicable.] (RACE1_4) (RACE4)
4) Some other race 99.1
217) Combining Race (RACECMB) (RACE_ALL)
1) White 74.2
2) Black or African-American 14.0
3) Asian or Asian-American 1.9
4) Mixed Race 1.7
5) Some other race 6.7
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.5
218) Race/ethnicity (RACETHN)
1) White, not Hispanic 69.2
2) African-American, not Hispanic 10.9
3) Hispanic 13.0
4) Other, not Hispanic 6.0
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.9
219) Are you currently married, living with a partner, divorced, separated, widowed, or have you never been married? (MARITAL)
1) Married 53.6
2) Living with a partner 6.4
3) Divorced 9.2
4) Separated 2.1
5) Widowed 6.5
6) Never been married 21.7
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.5
220) Verbatim response to SPREL, when recorded [Most responses are from when SPREL = 11.] (SPRELZ)
221) If MARITAL = 1-2: And what is your [IF MARITAL = 1: spouse's/IF MARITAL=2: partner's] religion, if any? Are they Protestant, Roman Catholic, Mormon, Orthodox such as Greek or Russian Orthodox, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, atheist, agnostic, something else, or nothing in particular? (SPREL)
1) Protestant (See Note 3 on the ARDA Summary Page for description) 42.6
2) Roman Catholic (Catholic) 25.2
3) Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints/LDS) 1.6
4) Orthodox (Greek, Russian, or some other orthodox church) 0.2
5) Jewish (Judaism) 1.4
6) Muslim (Islam) 1.1
7) Buddhist 1.1
8) Hindu 0.2
9) Atheist (do not believe in God) 1.4
10) Agnostic (not sure if there is a god) 1.6
11) Something else (VOL., see SPRELZ) 1.2
12) Nothing in particular 10.5
13) Christian (VOL.) 9.6
14) Unitarian (Universalist) (VOL.) 0.3
99) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 2.1
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222) If SPREL = 11 or 99: And is that a Christian religion, or not? (SPCHR)
1) Yes 51.5
2) No 21.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 26.9
223) If SPREL = 1-4 or 13, or SPCHR = 1: Would you describe your spouse as a 'born again' or evangelical Christian, or not? (SPBORN)
1) Yes, would 45.0
2) No, would not 51.0
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 4.1
224) How many people, including yourself, live in your household? [Note: A code of '99' represents that a respondent refused to answer or did not know the answer to this question.] (See Note 4: Definition of Household Members on the ARDA Summary Page for more information) (HH1)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
225) If HH1 is greater than 1 (not including HH1 = 99): How many of these [people living in your household] are children under the age of 18? [Note: A code of '99' represents that a respondent refused to answer or did not know the answer to this question.] (See Note 4: Definition of Household Members on the ARDA Summary Page for more information) (HH2)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
226) Number of adults living in the household, computed from HH1 and HH2 (See Note 4: Definition of Household Members on the ARDA Summary Page for more information) (ADULTS)
1) One 17.7
2) Two 52.1
3) Three or more 29.4
99) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.8
227) Last year, that is in 2008, what was your total family income from all sources, before taxes? Just stop me when I get to the right category. (INCOME)
1) Less than $10,000 7.3
2) $10,000 to under $20,000 8.6
3) $20,000 to under $30,000 10.9
4) $30,000 to under $40,000 9.8
5) $40,000 to under $50,000 8.1
6) $50,000 to under $75,000 13.1
7) $75,000 to under $100,000 10.7
8) $100,000 to under $150,000 8.7
9) $150,000 or more 5.9
10) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 16.8
228) Are you now registered to vote in your precinct or election district or haven't you been able to register so far? (REGIST)
1) Yes, registered 78.4
2) No, not registered 21.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.4
229) If REGIST = 1: Are you absolutely certain that you are registered to vote, or is there a chance that your registration has lapsed because you moved or from some other reason? (REGICERT)
1) Absolutely certain 95.7
2) Chance registration has lapsed 4.0
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.3
230) In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, or Independent? (PARTY)
1) Republican 24.6
2) Democrat 32.2
3) Independent 36.6
4) No preference (VOL.) 3.1
5) Other party (VOL.) 0.3
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 3.2
231) If PARTY = 3-5 or 9: As of today do you lean more to the Republican Party or more to the Democratic Party? (PARTYLN)
1) Republican 34.6
2) Democrat 34.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 30.5
232) In general, would you describe your political views as... (IDEO)
1) Very conservative 7.2
2) Conservative 31.9
3) Moderate 33.9
4) Liberal 14.7
5) Very liberal 6.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 6.1
233) Are you now employed full-time, part-time, or not employed? (EMPLOY)
1) Full-time 44.4
2) Part-time 14.4
3) Not employed 40.4
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.8
234) If HISPX = 2 or 9: Were you born in the United States or in another country? (USBORN1A)
1) Yes, born in U.S. 94.4
2) No, some other country 5.2
4) Other U.S. Territories (includes Guam, Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands) (VOL.) 0.0
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.4
235) If USBORN1A = 1 and HISPX = 2 or 9: Were both of your parents born in the United States, or not? [Note: Those born in Puerto Rico or other non-state U.S. territories are not considered born on the U.S. for this question.] (USBORN2)
1) Yes, both parents born in the U.S. 92.9
2) No, one or both parents born in another country 6.8
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.3
236) If HISPX = 1: Now I want to ask you about you and your family's heritage. Are you Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Dominican, Salvadoran or are you and your ancestors from another country? (ANCESTRY)
1) Mexican (Mexico) 55.7
2) Puerto Rican (Puerto Rico) 7.5
3) Cuban (Cuba) 3.0
4) Dominican (the Dominican Republic) 2.7
5) Salvadoran (El Salvador) 6.3
6) Other Central American (VOL.) 5.0
7) Other South American (VOL.) 7.3
9) Other North American (VOL.) 1.6
10) Other European (VOL.) 4.9
97) Other (VOL.) 0.4
99) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.5
237) Verbatim response to ANCESTRY, when recorded (ANCESTOS) (ANCESTRZ)
238) If HISPX = 1: Were you born on the island of Puerto Rico, in the United States, or in another country? (BIRTH_HISP) (BRTH_HSP)
1) Puerto Rico 3.2
2) United States 47.2
3) Another country 48.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.8
239) If BRTH_HSP = 1, 3 or 9: How many years have you lived in the (continental) United States? ['Continental' was inserted if BRTH_HSP = 1] [Note: Those who have lived in the (continental) United States for less than one year were coded as '1', and a code of '99' represents that a respondent refused to answer or did not know the answer to this question.] (YRS_US)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
240) If HISPX = 1 and BRTH_HSP = 2: Was your mother born on the island of Puerto Rico, in the United States, or in another country? (MOTHER_HISP) (MTHR_HSP)
1) Puerto Rico 6.1
2) United States 61.3
3) Another country 32.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.3
241) If HISPX = 1 and BRTH_HSP = 2: Was your father born on the island of Puerto Rico, in the United States, or in another country? (FATHER_HISP) (FTHR_HSP)
1) Puerto Rico 6.0
2) United States 57.1
3) Another country 35.3
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.7
242) If HISPX = 1: Would you say you can carry on a conversation in Spanish, both understanding and speaking, very well, pretty well, just a little, or not at all? (SPANLIT1)
1) Very well 46.8
2) Pretty well 27.5
3) Just a little 16.6
4) Not at all 8.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.0
243) IF HISPX = 1: Would you say you can read a newspaper or book in Spanish very well, pretty well, just a little, or not at all? (SPANLIT2)
1) Very well 42.0
2) Pretty well 25.1
3) Just a little 19.1
4) Not at all 11.8
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 2.0
244) If HISPX = 1: Would you say you can carry on a conversation in English, both understanding and speaking, very well, pretty well, just a little, or not at all? (ENGLIT1)
1) Very well 54.3
2) Pretty well 12.1
3) Just a little 26.1
4) Not at all 7.2
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.4
245) If HISPX = 1: Would you say you can read a newspaper or book in English very well, pretty well, just a little, or not at all? (ENGLIT2)
1) Very well 53.6
2) Pretty well 14.9
3) Just a little 21.5
4) Not at all 9.7
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.4
246) If SAMPLE = 1: Now thinking about your telephone use... Do you have a working cell phone? (L1) (CELL)
1) Yes 71.9
2) No 27.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.5
247) If SAMPLE = 1, HH1 is greater than 1, and CELL = 2 or 9: Does anyone in your household have a working cell phone? (L1A) (HHCELL)
1) Yes, someone in household has cell phone 30.6
2) No 67.9
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.5
248) If SAMPLE = 1, CELL = 1, and HH1 = 1: Of all the telephone calls that you receive, do you get... [Choices 1 and 3 are reversed for random respondents, Choice 2 is always read second] (L2) (DUAL1)
1) All or almost all calls on a cell phone 19.7
2) Some on a cell phone and some on a regular home phone 29.9
3) All or almost all calls on a regular home phone 49.3
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.2
249) If SAMPLE = 1, HH is greater than 1, and (CELL or HHCELL = 1): Now thinking about all the people in your household, including yourself, of all the telephone calls that your household receives, are... [Choices 1 and 3 are reversed for random respondents, Choice 2 is always read second] (L3) (DUAL2)
1) All or almost all calls on a cell phone 20.4
2) Some on a cell phone and some on a regular home phone 49.6
3) All or almost all calls on a regular home phone 28.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 1.4
250) If SAMPLE = 2: Now thinking about your telephone use... Is there at least one telephone inside your home that is currently working and is not a cell phone? (C1) (NOTCELL)
1) Yes, there is a home telephone 41.3
2) No home telephone 58.4
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.3
251) If SAMPLE = 2, HH1 = 1, and NOTCELL = 1: Of all the telephone that you receive, do you get... [Choices 1 and 3 are reversed for random respondents, Choice 2 is always read second] (C2) (DUAL3)
1) All or almost all calls on a cell phone 42.7
2) Some on a cell phone and some on a regular home phone 33.4
3) All or almost all calls on a regular home phone 24.1
252) If SAMPLE = 2, HH1 is greater than 1, and NOTCELL = 1: Now thinking about all the people in your household, including yourself, of all the telephone calls that your household receives, are... [Choices 1 and 3 are reversed for random respondents, Choice 2 is always read second] (C3) (DUAL4)
1) All or almost all calls on a cell phone 37.4
2) Some on a cell phone and some on a regular home phone 46.0
3) All or almost all calls on a regular home phone 15.6
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 0.9
253) If SAMPLE = 2: We'd like to send you $5 for your time. Can I please have your full name and a mailing address where we can send you the money? (MONEY)
1) Respondent wants the money 70.9
9) Respondent does not want the money (VOL.) 29.1
254) Household phone use (PHONEUSE)
1) Landline only 13.7
2) Dual, uses cell phone sometimes 49.7
3) Dual/mostly uses cell phone 15.8
4) Cell phone only 20.2
5) Landline, doesn't know if R has a cell phone 0.4
6) Cell phone, doesn't know if R has a landline 0.1
255) Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President? (If respondent said that it depends, question was asked again and prefaced with the word 'Overall') (Combination of OBAMAP_A and OBAMAP_B) (OBAMAP)
1) Approve 51.3
2) Disapprove 37.4
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 11.3
256) All in all, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way things are going in this country today? (Combination of COUNTR_A and COUNTR_B) (COUNTRY)
1) Satisfied 28.2
2) Dissatisfied 64.5
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 7.3
257) Do you think abortion should be... [Choices were read in reverse order for random half of the sample] (Combination of ABORTN_A and ABORTN_B) (ABORTN)
1) Legal in all cases 16.3
2) Legal in most cases 30.6
3) Illegal in most cases 27.4
4) Illegal in all cases 17.3
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 8.4
258) Is your overall opinion of the Republican Party very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (Combination of GOP_A and GOP_B) (GOP)
1) Very favorable 6.5
2) Mostly favorable 33.7
3) Mostly unfavorable 31.5
4) Very unfavorable 18.2
5) Never heard of (VOL.) 0.2
8) Can't rate (VOL.) 5.6
9) Refused (VOL.) 4.3
259) Is your overall opinion of the Democratic Party very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable? (Combination of DEMS_A and DEMS_B) (DEMS)
1) Very favorable 11.5
2) Mostly favorable 37.0
3) Mostly unfavorable 24.1
4) Very unfavorable 17.2
5) Never heard of (VOL.) 0.1
8) Can't rate (VOL.) 6.2
9) Refused (VOL.) 3.8
260) Do you strongly favor, favor, oppose, or strongly oppose allowing churches and other houses of worship to apply, along with other organizations, for government funding to provide social services such as job training or drug treatment counseling to people who need them? (Combination of GVFUND_A and GVFUND_B) (GVFUND)
1) Strongly favor 25.5
2) Favor 43.8
3) Oppose 15.7
4) Strongly oppose 9.7
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 5.3
261) People practice their religion in different ways. Outside of attending religious services, do you pray several times a day, once a day, a few times a week, once a week, a few times a month, seldom, or never? (Combination of PRAY_A and PRAY_B) (PRAY)
1) Several times a day 36.2
2) Once a day 19.4
3) A few times a week 13.7
4) Once a week 3.6
5) A few times a month 5.9
6) Seldom 10.8
7) Never 8.0
9) Don't know/Refused (VOL.) 2.4
262) Weight for landline sample (LLWEIGHT)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
263) Weight for landline plus cell phone sample (COWEIGHT)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
264) Total sample weight with size of household adjustment (WEIGHT)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
265) What is your age? [Note: A code of '99' represents that a respondent refused to answer or did not know the answer to this question.] (Recoded for use with online analysis) (I-AGE)
1) 18 to 24 13.3
2) 25 to 34 16.8
3) 35 to 44 18.2
4) 45 to 54 19.6
5) 55 to 64 15.0
6) 65 or older 17.1
266) Last year, that is in 2008, what was your total family income from all sources, before taxes? Just stop me when I get to the right category. (Recoded for use with online analysis) (I-INCOME)
1) Less than $20,000 19.2
2) $20,000 to under $30,000 13.1
3) $30,000 to under $50,000 21.5
4) $50,000 to under $75,000 15.8
5) $75,000 to under $100,000 12.9
6) $100,000 or more 17.5
267) Are you currently married, living with a partner, divorced, separated, widowed, or have you never been married? (Recoded for use with online analysis) (I-MARITAL)
1) Married 53.8
2) Living with a partner 6.5
3) Divorced or separated 11.4
4) Widowed 6.5
5) Never been married 21.8
268) What is your present religion, if any? Are you Protestant, Roman Catholic, Mormon, Orthodox such as Greek or Russian Orthodox, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, atheist, agnostic, something else, or nothing in particular? (Recoded for use with online analysis) (I-RELIGION)
1) Protestant 40.9
2) Catholic 23.0
3) Other Christian (Mormon, Orthodox, Unitarian, self-identified as Christian) 14.0
4) Other (non Christian) 4.9
5) Atheist, agnostic, or nothing in particular 17.2
269) What is the last grade or class that you completed in school? [Answer choices were not read] (Recoded for use with online analysis) (I-EDUC)
1) Less than high school 13.6
2) High school graduate 31.4
3) Some college, no four-year degree 27.4
4) Four-year college degree 16.2
5) Graduate work/degree 11.5
270) Sex of respondent (for use with online analysis) (I-SEX)
1) Male 48.4
2) Female 51.6
271) In general, would you describe your political views as... (Recoded for use with online analysis) (I-POLITICS)
1) Conservative 41.6
2) Moderate 36.1
3) Liberal 22.3

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