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Southern Focus Poll, Combined Sample, Spring 1999 - Codebook

All Frequencies weighted by 162) TOTWT;
(The number of missing cases reported in the codebook are unweighted)

1) Respodent ID number initial screen (RESPNUM)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
2) Respondent's number (RESP)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
3) Which state am I calling? NOTE: State is recoded into DEEPSOU and GALREG in the dataset. (STATE)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
4) Verify state called (STATE2)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
5) In which year were you born? NOTE: This variable is recoded into AGE, and collapsed in AGECAT. (YRBORN)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
6) Just for the record, would you say that your community is in the South, or not? (COMSOUTH)
1) Yes42377.9
2) No10819.8
3) Don't know/No answer122.2
7) Not counting time spent away at school and for other temporary reasons, have you lived in the South all your life or not? [IF NO, THEN ASK:] How long have you lived in the South. NOTE: Asked of respondents who answered 'Yes' to COMSOUTH (LIVESOU)
1) Less than 5 Years266.3
2) 6 to 10 years184.4
3) More than 10 years10023.8
4) All my life27264.7
5) Don't know/No answer51.3
8) Have you ever traveled or visited outside the South? NOTE: Asked of respondents who answered 'All my life' to LIVESOU (TRAVOUT)
1) Yes24389.4
2) No2810.4
3) Don't know/No answer10.4
9) Have you ever lived in a Southern State? Note: Asked of non-Southern respondents only. (SOULIV)
1) Yes19123.2
2) No62976.4
3) Don't know/No answer30.3
10) Have you ever traveled or visited in the South? NOTE: Asked of respondents who answered 'No' or 'Don't Know/No Answer' to SOULIV (TRAVIN)
1) Yes44971.1
2) No18028.4
3) Don't know/No answer30.4
11) Which state did you live in when you were 16? NOTE: This variable was called STATE prior to the Fall 1993 administration of this poll. NOTE: STATE16 is recoded into the variable RESIDENT in the dataset (STATE16)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
12) Do you consider yourself a Southerner, or not? (SOUTHERN)
1) Yes28468.0
2) No12429.6
3) Don't know/No answer102.4
13) Do you consider yourself or anyone in your family a Southerner? NOTE: Asked of non-Southern respondents only. (SOUFAM)
1) Yes, Self555.8
2) Yes, Family17718.7
3) Yes, Both454.8
4) No66069.8
5) Don't know/No answer91.0
14) Would you say that being a Southerner is very important, somewhat important, not very important, or not at all important to you? NOTE: Asked of respondents who answered 'Yes' to SOUTHERN, 'Yes, self' to SOUFAM, or 'Yes, both self and family' to SOUFAM (SIDIMP)
1) Very important11229.2
2) Somewhat important13835.9
3) Not very important6216.2
4) Not at all important6517.0
5) Don't know/No answer71.8
15) Do you live in a city, a suburban community, a small town, or a rural area? (LIVEWH)
1) City53139.0
2) Suburbs30522.4
3) Small town31823.3
4) Rural20715.2
5) Refused/Not sure30.2
16) Code the gender of the respondent [If you cannot tell, ask the respondent.] (GENDER)
1) Male59443.5
2) Female77156.5
17) How many years of school have you completed? NOTE: This variable is collapsed into categories in the data set and is called GRADE (EDUC)
2) 2nd grade20.1
3) 3rd grade00.0
4) 4th grade120.9
5) 5th grade00.0
6) 6th grade60.4
7) 7th grade40.3
8) 8th grade110.8
9) 9th grade120.9
10) 10th grade191.4
11) 11th grade453.3
12) 12th grade (High school)41230.2
13) Some college (Two year degree)37227.3
14) 4 year college graduate31022.7
15) Advanced degree (MA, PHD, LLD, MD)15311.3
16) No answer50.4
18) How often do you attend church or other religious services? (RELIG)
1) More than once a week16812.3
2) Once a week39929.2
3) Two to three times a month21816.0
4) Several times a year31523.1
5) Never25118.4
6) Refused141.0
19) How important would you say your religious faith is in your own life these days--extremely important, very important, somewhat important, or not important? (RELIGIMP)
1) Extremely important52138.2
2) Very important44832.9
3) Somewhat important28621.0
4) Not important936.8
5) Don't know/No answer161.2
20) What is your religious affiliation -- Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, some other religion, or no religion? NOTE: Open-ended responses from those who answered 'SOME OTHER RELIGION' AND passed the screen in RELAFCHK are coded in the data set as OTHRELAF. (RELAFFL)
1) Protestant78357.4
2) Catholic31823.3
3) Jewish372.7
4) Some other religion (Specify)674.9
5) No religion [Not religious/agnostic/atheist]916.7
6) Christian or just a Christian [vol]453.3
7) Don't know/No answer231.7
21) ASKED ONLY OF RESPONDENTS WHO SAID THEY BELONGED TO SOME OTHER RELIGION: What other religion are you? Does your religion include any of the following words: Anglican, Lutheran, Adventist, Methodist, Apostolic, Nazarene, Baptist, Non-Denominational, Bible, Pentecostal, Born-Again, Presbyterian, Christ/Christian, Prophetic, Church of God, Quaker/Friends, Episcopalian, Seventh-Day Adventist, Greek/Serb Orthodox, Holiness? NOTE: This is a filter to make sure that a verbatim 'SOME OTHER RELIGION' answer is only taken from non-Protestants. Interviewers see this screen only if respondents answered 'SOME OTHER RELIGION' to RELAFFL. If the interviewer codes this question as 'Yes,' the respondent is recoded as 'PROTESTANT' in RELAFFL. If the interviewer codes 'No,' then a verbatim response is taken. Open-ended responses are coded in the data set as OTHRELAF. (RELAFCHK)
1) Yes22076.7
2) No6723.4
22) With what church denomination, if any, are you most closely affiliated? [IF 2 OFFERED, ASK: 'WHICH ONE ARE YOU MOST CONNECTED TO OR INVOLVED IN?'] NOTE: Asked only of respondents who answered 'PROTESTANT' to 19, 'CHRISTIAN OR JUST A CHRISTIAN' to 19, or were coded as 'YES' in RELAFCHK. If respondent answered 'CHRISTIAN SCIENCE' or 'NOT RELIGIOUS/ATHIEST/AGNOSTIC', they were skipped to MARITAL. Open-ended responses from those who answered 'OTHER' are coded in the data set as OTHDENOM. RELAFFL and DENOM are collapsed into FAITH97X, which is collapsed into FAITH. (DENOM)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
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23) With which Baptist group is your church associated? Is it Southern Baptist Convention, the American Baptist Churches in the USA, the American Baptist Association, the National Baptist Convention USA, an independent Baptist church, or some other Baptist group? NOTE: Asked of respondents who answered 'Baptist' to DENOM. Open ended-responses of those who answered 'other' are coded in the data set as OTHBAPT. (DBAPTIST)
10) American Baptist Association4314.2
11) American Baptist USA134.2
13) Baptist General Conference00.2
15) Conservative Baptist Association of America41.2
16) Free Will Baptist20.7
19) Independent Baptist (no denominational ties)3110.3
20) Missionary Baptist92.9
21) National Baptist Convention USA175.7
22) Primitive Baptist00.1
25) Southern Baptist9933.1
26) Other (Specify)92.8
27) Don't know; 'Just Baptist'7324.2
[ Add to Question Bank | View more questions about Denomination, Affiliation to ]
24) Is that the United Methodist Church, African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Free Methodist Church, or some other Methodist group? NOTE: Asked of respondents who answered 'Methodist' to DENOM. Open ended-responses of those who answered 'other' are coded in the data set as OTHMETH. (DMETHDST)
1) African Methodist Episcopal43.7
2) African Methodist Episcopal Zion54.1
3) Free Methodist Church64.7
4) United Methodist9782.1
5) Other (Specify)32.8
6) Don't know; 'Just Methodist'32.4
25) Is that the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., the Presbyterian Church in America, the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, or some other Presbyterian group? NOTE: Asked of respondents who answered 'Presbyterian' to DENOM. Open ended-responses of those who answered 'other' are coded in the data set as OTHPRESB. (DPRESBY)
1) Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC)12.3
2) Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC)37.1
3) Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)23.9
4) Presbyterian Chruch in the USA (PCUSA)2149.5
5) Other (Specify)717.1
6) Don't know; 'Just Presbyterian'921.3
26) Is that the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Missouri Synod, the Wisconsin Synod, or some other Lutheran group? NOTE: Asked of respondents who answered 'Lutheran' to DENOM. Open ended-responses of those who answered 'other' are coded in the data set as OTHLUTHR. (DLUTHRAN)
1) Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA; formerly the Lutheran Church in America, American Lutheran Church)3347.0
2) Missouri Synod1420.5
3) Wisconsin Synod11.3
4) Other (Specify)46.3
5) Don't know; 'Just Lutheran'1825.4
27) Is that the Christian Reformed Church, the Reformed Church in America, or some other Reformed group? NOTE: Asked of respondents who answered 'Reformed' to DENOM. Open ended-responses of those who answered 'other' are coded in the data set as OTHREFOM. (DREFORMD)
2) Reformed Church in America (RCA)292.8
28) Is that the Church of the Brethren, the Plymouth Brethren, United Brethren in Christ, or some other Brethren group? NOTE: Asked of respondents who answered 'Brethren' to DENOM. Open ended-responses of those who answered 'other' are coded in the data set as OTHBRETH. (DBRETHEN)
4) Other (Specify)292.8
29) Is that the United Church of Christ or just a Congregational church? NOTE: Asked of respondents who answered 'congregationalist' to DENOM. (DUCC)
1) United Church of Christ (UCC)012.1
2) Just Congregational292.8
30) When you say 'Christian,' does that mean the denomination called the 'Christian Church (Disciples of Christ),' or some other Christian denomination, or do you mean to say 'I am just a Christian?'NOTE: Asked of respondents who answered 'Christian' or 'Just Christian' to DENOM. Open ended-responses of those who answered 'Other' are coded in the data set as OTHCHRST. (DDISCIPL)
1) Disciples of Christ39.9
2) 'Just a Christian'2278.8
3) Other Christian denomination (Specify)310.1
4) Don't know01.7
31) Is that the Church of Christ or the United Church of Christ? NOTE: Asked of respondents who answered 'Church(es) of Christ' to DENOM. Open ended-responses of those who answered 'Other' are coded in the data set as OTHCHCHR. (DCHRIST)
1) Church(es) of Christ11104.3
32) Is that the Church of God of Anderson, Indiana; the Church of God of Cleveland, Tennessee; the Church of God in Christ; or some other Church of God? NOTE: Asked of respondents who answered 'Church of God' to DENOM. Open ended-responses of those who answered 'Other' are coded in the data set as OTHCOGOD. (DCHGOD)
1) Anderson, IN09.7
2) Cleveland, TN243.6
3) In Christ04.8
4) Other (Specify)353.3
5) Don't know09.7
33) Is that the Christian and Missionary Alliance, the Church of the Nazarene, the Salvation Army, the Wesleyan Church, the Free Methodist Church, the Church of God (Anderson, IN), or some other Holiness group? NOTE: Asked of respondents who answered 'Holiness' to DENOM. Open ended-responses of those who answered 'Other' are coded in the data set as OTHHOLI. (DHOLINES)
1) Christian and Missionary Alliance (CMA)04.4
6) Church of God (Anderson, Indiana)112.8
7) Other (Specify)655.4
8) Don't know; 'Just Holiness'438.1
34) Is that a charismatic church associated with any denomination, a pentecostal church, or a non-denominational charismatic church?NOTE: Asked of respondents who answered 'Charismatic' to DENOM. Respondents who answered 'Associated with Denomination' were then asked LIVEWH again. (DCHARIS)
2) Pentecostal292.8
35) What kind of church is that? What is it called exactly? Is that part of a larger church or denomination? What is that church called? NOTE: Asked of respondents who answered 'Pentecostal' to DENOM or DCHARIS. Open ended-responses of those who answered 'Other' are coded in the data set as OTHPENTE. (DPENTE)
10) Apostolic Pentecostal415.5
11) Assemblies of God26.3
12) Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee)01.8
14) Church of God in Christ01.8
19) Pentecostal Church of God415.7
20) Pentecostal Holiness Church518.2
21) Spanish Pentecostal00.0
22) United Pentecoastal Church International13.6
23) Other (Specify)518.2
24) Don't know; 'Just Pentecostal'621.8
36) Does your church have any denominational affiliation at all? NOTE: Asked of respondents who answered 'Just Protestant' to DENOM. Respondents who answered 'Yes, it does' were then asked DENOM again. (DANY)
3) Don't know592.8
37) Is that an independent fundamentalist church, independent charismatic church, independent pentecostal church, independent evangelical church, or what?: NOTE: Asked of respondents who answered 'Independent' or 'Non/Inter-denominational' to DENOM. Open ended-responses of those who answered 'Other' are coded in the data set as OTHINDEP. (DINDEP)
1) Independent Fundamentalist920.1
2) Independent Charismatic24.3
3) Independent Pentecostal49.2
4) Independent Evangelical37.1
5) Other (Specify)1227.3
6) Don't know/'Just independent'1228.0
7) Refused11.7
38) When it comes to your religious faith, would you say you are Pentecostal, fundamentalist, evangelical, mainline Protestant, or theologically liberal? NOTE: Asked only of respondents who answered 'Protestant' or 'Christian or just Christian' to RELAFFL AND did not answer 'Christian Science,' 'Catholic,' 'Roman Catholic,' or 'Not Religious' to RELAFCHK. Open-ended responses from those who answered 'Other' are coded in the dataset as OTHRELID. (RELID97S)
1) Pentecostal10012.1
2) Fundamentalist566.8
3) Evangelical9010.9
4) Mainline Protestant15018.2
5) Theologically liberal17421.1
6) Other (Specify)182.1
7) None of the above779.3
8) Don't know/No answer16019.4
39) Do you consider yourself a traditionalist Catholic, a progressive Catholic, or none of these? NOTE: Asked of those who answered 'Catholic' to RELAFFL and of respondents who answered 'Catholic' or 'Roman Catholic' to RELAFCHK. Open-ended responses from those who answered 'Other' are coded in the data set as OTHCATH. (RELCATH)
1) Traditionalist9930.8
2) Progressive8024.9
3) None of these11335.2
4) Other (Specify)82.3
5) Don't know/No Answer216.7
40) Are you currently...married, divorced, separated, widowed, or single? (MARITAL)
1) Married76355.9
2) Divorced14910.9
3) Separated282.0
4) Widowed664.9
5) Have you never been married?35225.8
6) No answer70.5
1) Yes97971.7
2) No38628.3
3) Don't know/No answer00.0
42) Last week were you primarily: Working full-time, working part-time, going to school, keeping house, retired, unemployed, or what? (EMPLOYED)
1) Working full time80659.1
2) Working part time1198.7
3) Going to school1138.3
4) Keeping house765.6
5) Retired19214.1
6) Unemployed151.1
7) Or what?392.8
8) No answer40.3
43) What about your wife/husband - last week was he/she: Working full-time, working part-time, going to school, keeping house, retired, unemployed, or what? NOTE: Asked only of respondents who answered 'Married' to MARTIAL. (HWEMPLOY)
1) Working full time51066.9
2) Working part time567.3
3) Going to school60.8
4) Keeping house547.1
5) Retired11515.1
6) Unemployed81.0
7) Or what?141.8
8) No answer00.1
44) I am going to read you a list of income categories. Please stop me when a category best describes your total household income before taxes: (INCOME)
1) Less than $10,000654.8
2) $10,000 up to $19,9991077.8
3) $20,000 up to $29,99915011.0
4) $30,000 up to $39,99917212.6
5) $40,000 up to $49,99915411.3
6) $50,000 up to $59,9991369.9
7) More than $60,00034024.9
8) No answer24017.6
45) What race do you consider yourself? NOTE: Open-ended responses from those who answered 'Other or Mixed' are coded in dataset as OTHRACE. NOTE: In the datasheet, RACE94 is recoded into the variable RACE. (RACE94)
1) White/Caucasian91867.2
2) Black16612.1
3) African-American1359.9
4) Negro, Colored, Etc.90.7
5) Native American/American Indian50.4
6) Asian/Oriental130.9
7) Other or mixed (Specify)1067.8
8) No answer141.0
46) As far as you know, were any of your ancestors American Indians? NOTE: Not asked of respondents who answered 'Native American/Indian' to RACE94. These respondents were recoded to 'Yes' for that question in the final data set. (AMERINDN)
1) Yes, were44632.7
2) No, were not85162.3
3) Don't know685.0
47) Are you of Hispanic origin? (HISPANIC)
1) Yes, Hispanic856.3
2) No, not Hispanic127193.2
3) Don't know/No answer80.6
48) How many people under 18 live in this house? (CHILD18)
0) None76355.9
1) 123116.9
2) 224117.6
3) 3886.5
4) 4282.1
5) 530.2
6) 620.2
7) 730.2
8) 810.1
11) More than 1020.1
12) Refused30.2
49) How many of those are under 12 years old? (CHILD12)
0) None16828.0
1) 122938.3
2) 213923.2
3) 3477.8
4) 4122.0
5) 520.4
6) 620.4
50) Including yourself, how many people 18 or older live at this telephone number? (PEOPLE)
1) 118713.7
2) 272352.9
3) 324417.8
4) 415211.1
5) 5402.9
6) 640.3
7) 720.1
11) More than 1030.2
12) Refused120.9
51) Regardless of how you vote, when it comes to national politics, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or what? NOTE: If respondent answered 'Republican,' he/she was asked STRREP. If respondent answered 'Democrat,' he/she was asked STRDEM. If respondent answered 'Independent,' he/she was asked INDEP. If the respondent answered 'Other' or 'Don't know/ no answer,' he/she was skipped to #55. INDEP, PARTYID, STRDEM, STRREP, and INDEP are merged into PIDRCODE in the datatset. (PARTYID)
1) Republican37527.5
2) Democrat53639.2
3) Independent28020.5
4) Other795.8
5) Don't know/No answer957.0
52) ASKED ONLY OF RESPONDENTS WHO THINK OF THEMSELVES AS DEMOCRATS: Would you call yourself a strong Democrat or a not very strong Democrat? (STRDEM)
1) Strong Democrat29354.6
2) Not very strong Democrat23443.6
3) Don't know/No answer91.7
53) ASKED ONLY OF RESPONDENTS WHO THINK OF THEMSELVES AS REPUBLICAN: Would you call yourself a strong Republican or a not very strong Republican? (STRREP)
1) Strong Republican18749.8
2) Not very strong Republican18048.1
3) Don't know/No answer82.1
54) ASKED ONLY OF RESPONDENTS WHO ARE INDEPENDENT: Do you usually think of yourself as closer to the Republican party or as closer to the Democratic party? (INDEP)
1) Closer to Republican Party9534.1
2) Closer to Democratic Party8831.7
3) Don't know/No answer/Neither9634.5
55) In general, when it comes to politics, do you usually think of yourself as a LIBERAL, a CONSERVATIVE, a MODERATE, or what? NOTE: If respondent answered 'Liberal,' he/she was asked STRLIB. If respondent answered 'Moderate,' he/she was asked MODERATE. If respondent answered 'Conservative,' he/she was asked STRCON. If respondent answered 'Don't know,' 'No answer,' or 'No understanding of these terms,' he/she was skipped to SEGREGAT. LIBCON, STRLIB, STRCON, and MODERATE are merged into LCRECODE in the dataset. (LIBCON)
1) Liberal33124.2
2) Moderate (Middle of the road)37627.5
3) Conservative39528.9
4) Never think of self in these terms (no preference)1087.9
5) Don't know1077.8
6) No answer362.6
7) Respondent insists that he/she has no understanding of these terms130.9
56) Do you think of yourself as a STRONG liberal, or a NOT VERY STRONG liberal? (STRLIB)
1) Strong liberal13741.5
2) Not very strong liberal18254.9
3) Don't know92.8
4) No answer30.8
57) Do you think of yourself as a STRONG conservative, or a NOT VERY STRONG conservative? (STRCON)
1) Strong conservative21855.2
2) Not very strong conservative16040.4
3) Don't know123.0
4) No answer51.3
58) Do you think of yourself as more like a liberal, or more like a conservative? (MODERATE)
1) More liberal10929.1
2) Neither-Respondent refused to choose4612.1
3) More conservative19852.6
4) Don't know174.5
5) No answer61.6
59) There's been a lot of talk these days about race relations, and it's important to know how people really feel about these things. Are you in favor of integration of the races, strict segregation, or something in-between? (SEGREGAT)
1) Integration89965.8
2) Segregation231.7
3) Something in-between32223.5
4) Don't know/No answer1228.9
60) The next few questions are about the South. Overall, what kind of effect do you think racial integration has had on the quality of life in the South? Has integration generally had a positive effect, a negative effect, or not made much difference? (INTERGRA)
1) Positive63146.2
2) Negative16612.2
3) Not much difference29921.9
4) Both [volunteered]473.5
5) Don't know/No answer22116.2
61) Do you think opportunities for minorities are better in the South than in other parts of the country, worse, or about the same? (SOUMIN)
1) Better in the South16412.0
2) Worse in the South35225.8
3) About the same57041.8
4) Don't know/No answer27920.4
62) In general, do you think race relations are better in the South than elsewhere in the United States, worse in the South, or about the same as in the rest of the country? (RACESOU)
1) Better in the South1118.1
2) Worse in the South41630.5
3) About the same59643.7
4) Don't know/No answer24117.7
63) Now, a question about your local community, that is, within a couple of miles from your home. How long have you lived in your community? NOTE: If the respondent answered 'Less than 5 years,' he/she was skipped to TCHDIV. (COMLVYRS)
1) Less than 5 years32924.1
2) 5 to 9 years20615.1
3) 10 to 19 years28520.9
4) 20 years or more53939.5
5) Don't know/No answer60.4
64) Over the past 10 years, has the African-American population in your local community, that is, within a couple of miles from your home, increased, decreased, or stayed about the same? [IF RESPONDENT SAYS THEY HAVEN'T LIVED IN COMMUNITY LONG ENOUGH TO KNOW, ASK: From what you know about the community, would you say the African-American population has increased, decreased, or stayed about the same?] (AFPOP)
1) Increased45644.1
2) Decreased282.7
3) Stayed about the same52150.3
4) Don't know/No answer302.9
65) Would you say it has increased just a little, quite a lot, or something in-between? NOTE: Asked only of those who answered 'Increased' to AFPOP. (AFPOPI)
1) Just a little19342.3
2) Quite a lot12627.7
3) Something in-between13429.4
4) Don't know/No answer30.7
66) Would you say it has decreased just a little, quite a lot, or something in-between? NOTE: Asked only of those who answered 'Decreased' to AFPOP. (AFPOPD)
1) Just a little1451.0
2) Quite a lot622.8
3) Something in-between724.2
4) Don't know/No answer13.3
67) And what about the Hispanic population--that is, Mexican or other Latin American. Over the past 10 years, has the Hispanic population in your local community, increased, decreased, or stayed about the same? [IF RESPONDENT SAYS THEY HAVEN'T LIVED IN COMMUNITY LONG ENOUGH TO KNOW, ASK: From what you know about the community, would you say the Hispanic population has increased, decreased, or stayed about the same?] (HSPOP)
1) Increased52650.8
2) Decreased100.9
3) Stayed about the same43842.2
4) Don't know/No answer626.0
68) Would you say it has increased just a little, quite a lot, or something in-between? NOTE: Asked only of those who answered 'Increased' to HSPOP. (HSPOPI)
1) Just a little19136.3
2) Quite a lot22242.2
3) Something in-between10720.3
4) Don't know/No answer61.2
69) Would you say it has decreased just a little, quite a lot, or something in-between? NOTE: Asked only of those who answered 'Decreased' to HSPOP. (HSPOPD)
1) Just a little557.9
2) Quite a lot113.5
3) Something in-between334.6
4) Don't know/No answer00.0
70) And what about the Asian population. Over the past 10 years, would you say the Asian population in your local community, has increased, decreased, or stayed about the same? [IF RESPONDENT SAYS THEY HAVEN'T LIVED IN COMMUNITY LONG ENOUGH TO KNOW, ASK: From what you know about the community, would you say the Asian population has increased, decreased, or stayed about the same?] (ASPOP)
1) Increased39438.0
2) Decreased262.5
3) Stayed about the same53551.6
4) Don't know/No answer817.8
71) Would you say it has increased just a little, quite a lot, or something in-between? NOTE: Asked only of those who answered 'Increased' to ASPOP. (ASPOPI)
1) Just a little17945.4
2) Quite a lot11930.3
3) Something in-between8722.1
4) Don't know/No answer92.2
72) Would you say it has decreased just a little, quite a lot, or something in-between? NOTE: Asked only of those who answered 'Decreased' to ASPOP. (ASPOPD)
1) Just a little518.9
2) Quite a lot933.4
3) Something in-between1246.7
73) Overall, would you say that over the past 10 years, your community has become more ethnically and racially mixed, less ethnically and racially mixed--or has it stayed pretty much the same? [IF RESPONDENT SAYS THEY HAVEN'T LIVED IN COMMUNITY LONG ENOUGH TO KNOW, ASK: From what you know about the community, would you say that your community has become more ethnically and racially mixed, less ethnically and racially mixed--or has it stayed pretty much the same?] (RCMIX)
1) More mixed54352.4
2) Less mixed191.8
3) Stayed about the same45944.3
4) Don't know/No answer151.5
74) Would you say that it has become much more mixed, somewhat more mixed, or a little more ethnically and racially mixed? NOTE: Asked only of those who answered 'More Mixed' to RCMIX. (RCMIXI)
1) Much more16329.9
2) Somewhat more22441.3
3) A little more15428.3
4) Don't know/No answer20.4
75) Would you say that it has become much less mixed, somewhat less mixed, or a little less ethnically and racially mixed? NOTE: Asked only of those who answered 'Less Mixed' to RCMIX. (RCMIXD)
1) Much more633.3
2) Somewhat more313.6
3) A little more945.6
4) Don't know/No answer14.9
76) Overall, would you say that increasing ethnic and racial diversity in your community--that is, within a couple of miles from your home--is a good thing for your community, a bad thing, or does it not make much difference? NOTE: Asked only of those who answered 'Much More' or 'Somewhat More' to RCMIXI. (MIXIGOOD)
1) Good thing20051.7
2) Bad thing369.3
3) Does not make much difference13835.7
4) Don't know/No answer133.2
77) Overall, would you say that decreasing ethnic and racial diversity in your community--that is, within a couple of miles from your home--is a good thing for your community, a bad thing, or does it not make much difference? NOTE: Asked only of those who answered 'Much Less' or 'Somewhat Less' to RCMIXD. (MIXDGOOD)
1) Good thing220.6
2) Bad thing662.8
3) Has not made much difference115.7
78) Would you agree or disagree that having children learn about cultural diversity is a good way to help eliminate racism? (TCHDIV)
1) Agree121889.3
2) Disagree765.6
3) Don't know/No answer705.1
79) Some employers have what are called 'diversity programs' that are designed to help employees understand and get along with people who are racially and ethnically different from themselves. Does your employer have such a program? NOTE: Asked only if respondent answered 'Working full time' or 'Working part time' in EMPLOYED. (DPRO)
1) Yes24826.8
2) No55560.0
3) Self-employed [volunteered]485.2
4) Don't know/No answer748.0
80) How would you rate your company's diversity program? Would you say it is excellent, good, fair, or poor? NOTE: Asked only if respondent answered 'Yes' to DPRO. (DPRORATE)
1) Excellent8233.4
2) Good10743.3
3) Fair3213.0
4) Poor145.8
5) Don't know/No answer124.9
81) Have you participated in that program? NOTE: Asked only if respondent answered 'Yes' to DRPO. (DPROPART)
1) Yes17871.6
2) No6325.4
3) Don't know/No answer73.0
82) I'd like to know about your employer's efforts to hire minority employees. Do you feel that your employer has been doing too much, too little, or about the right amount to hire minority employees? NOTE: Not asked if respondent is not employed full-time or part time, or if he/she responded 'Self employed' in DPRO. (HIREMIN)
1) Too much536.0
2) Too little12514.2
3) About the right amount61570.0
4) Don't know/No answer859.6
83) Do you agree or disagree that affirmative action programs for women and minorities often result in reverse discrimination against white men? (AAREVERS)
1) Agree57241.9
2) Disagree54439.8
3) Don't know/No answer24918.2
84) Think about your own neighborhood -- that is, the homes near your own. How many of the people living in your neighborhood are the same race as you -- all of them, more than half, about half, less than half, or none of them? (NEIGSAME)
1) All of them34825.5
2) More than half58442.9
3) About half19914.6
4) Less than half19013.9
5) None181.3
6) Don't know/No answer251.8
85) What would you consider the ideal racial composition of your neighborhood -- that is, how many of your neighbors would you prefer to be of the same race as you -- all of them, more than half, about half, less than half, none of them, or does it not make any difference to you? (NEIGIDL)
1) All of them715.2
2) More than half987.2
3) About half1087.9
4) Less than half423.1
5) None30.2
6) Doesn't make any difference; No preference102274.9
7) Don't know/No answer201.5
86) Do any people who are not the same race as you attend your church or place of worship? NOTE: Not asked if respondent said he/she never attended religious services in RELIG, or refused to answer RELIG. (MIXCRCH)
1) Yes78471.3
2) No26424.0
3) Don't know/No answer524.8
87) And now, thinking about your family... Has any member of your family ever married a person of another race? (MIXMARY)
1) Yes49636.3
2) No85862.8
3) Don't know/No answer110.8
88) Would you disapprove if someone in your family married a person of a different race, or would it not make any difference? (OBJMARY)
1) Yes, would disapprove15711.5
2) Wouldn't make any difference/Would not disapprove107478.8
3) Would depend on person or race846.2
4) Don't know/No answer493.6
89) Has any member of your family ever dated a person of another race? (MIXDATE)
1) Yes80959.3
2) No49236.0
3) Don't know/No answer644.7
90) When you yourself were dating, would your parents have objected if you dated someone of a different race? (OBJPARNT)
1) Yes, would have objected67949.8
2) No, would not have objected54439.9
3) Would have depended on person or race [volunteered]473.4
4) Don't know/Never dated/No answer956.9
91) And what about you, would you disapprove if someone in your family dated a person of a different race, or would it not make any difference? (OBJDATE)
1) Yes, would disapprove16612.1
2) Wouldn't make any difference/Would not disapprove107678.8
3) Would have depended on person or race [volunteered]946.9
4) Don't know/No answer292.1
92) Has any member of your family ever adopted a child? (ADOPT)
1) Yes39128.6
2) No96570.7
3) Don't know/No answer90.6
93) Has any member of your family ever adopted a child of another race? NOTE: Asked only of respondents who answered 'Yes' to ADOPT. (ADOPTMIX)
1) Yes14336.5
2) No24161.6
3) Don't know/No answer71.9
94) Would you disapprove if a member of your family adopted a child of a different race, or would it not make any difference? (OBJADOPT)
1) Yes, would disapprove654.7
2) Wouldn't make any difference/Would not disapprove125892.2
3) Would depend on person or race [volunteered]151.1
4) Don't know/No answer272.0
95) Do you think that a child whose mother is one race and whose father is another race is likely to face unique problems in life, or not? (MIXPR)
1) Yes, will face problems102775.2
2) No, no unique problems26319.3
3) Don't know/No answer/It depends755.5
96) I'd like to know how comfortable you generally feel interacting with people whose race is different from your own. In general, would you say you are very comfortable, pretty comfortable, pretty uncomfortable, or very uncomfortable? (MIXCOMF)
1) Very comfortable67749.7
2) Pretty comfortable61845.4
3) Pretty uncomfortable312.3
4) Very uncomfortable20.2
5) Don't know/Don't interact/No answer352.6
97) As you have grown older, would you say your views about race relations have become more conservative, more liberal, or stayed about the same? (RRSELF)
1) More conservative1269.2
2) More liberal40129.4
3) Stayed about the same79958.5
4) Don't know/No answer392.8
98) Would you say that your children's views about race relations are more conservative, more liberal, or about the same as your own? NOTE: Asked only of those who identified themselves as parents in PARENT. (RRKIDS)
1) More conservative525.3
2) More liberal22523.0
3) About the same as own55056.2
4) Kids too young to have views [volunteered]899.1
5) Don't know/No answer636.4
99) What name do you generally prefer for your race--black or African-American? NOTE: Asked only of those who identified themselves as 'Black,' 'African-American,' or 'Negro, Colored, etc.' in RACE94. (RNMPREF)
1) Black9129.3
2) African-American14948.1
3) Neither/Something else [volunteered]134.1
4) Don't know/Don't care/No answer5718.4
100) Finally, do you agree or disagree that: The South is better off as part of the United States than it would be as a separate country. (NOTSEP)
1) Agree118086.4
2) Disagree815.9
3) Don't know/No answer1057.7
101) Some of the questions on this survey will be used by reporters for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution to write stories for the newspaper. Would you be willing to have a reporter call you back to discuss some of these matters in greater detail? (CALLBACK)
1) Yes70651.8
2) No64047.0
3) No answer181.3
102) Do you think this person would be good to call back for more information? (Was this a good interview?) (GOODINT)
1) Yes, good interview100873.9
2) No, not good interview35726.1
1) Strong Southern accent14710.8
2) Detectable Southern Accent, but not strong22516.5
3) No Southern accent99372.7
104) Respodent's Number again (RESP3)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
105) Verify Respondent's Number again (RESP4)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
106) Verify the state of the respondent you interviewed (STCHK1)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
107) Please enter the code for the respondent's county: (COUNTY)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
108) Date of poll (MMDD) (DATE)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
109) Type time of poll (HHMM) (TIMEINT)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
110) Interview number (INTNUM)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
111) Total time (TOTIME)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
112) Interview length in minutes (MINUTES)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
113) In which county do you now live? IF RESPONDENT LIVES IN LOUISIANA: In which parish do you now live? NOTE: Not asked of respondents in Washington D.C. County FIPS codes are assigned to these responses in COUNTY. COUNTY is recoded into NSMETRO in the dataset. (COUNTYX)
114) Verbatim for RELAFFL (OTHRELAF)
115) Verbatim for DENOM (OTHDENOM)
116) Verbatim for type of Baptist (OTHBAPT)
117) Verbatim for type of Methodist (OTHMETH)
118) Verbatim for type of Presbyterian (OTHPRESB)
119) Verbatim for type of Lutheran (OTHLUTHR)
120) Verbatim for type of Brethren (OTHBRETH)
121) Verbatim for type of DDISCIPL (OTHCHRST)
122) Verbatim for type of Church of God (OTHCOGOD)
123) Verbatim for type of Holiness (OTHHOLI)
124) Verbatim for type of Pentecostal (OTHPENT)
125) Verbatim for type of Independent (OTHINDEP)
126) Verbatim for RELIG97S (OTHRELID)
127) Verbatim for RELCATH (OTHRCATH)
128) Verbatim for RACE94 (OTHRACE)
129) What kinds of unique problems do you think they might face? NOTE: Asked only of those who responded 'Yes' to MIXPR. (MXPRTXT)
130) Origin of sample: North/South/AAOS (SAMPLE)
1) South40629.8
2) North75455.3
3) Blacks in South Oversample110.8
4) Blacks in Non-South oversample19314.1
131) Test to verify sample origin (REGSTATE)
1) Southern state residence41830.6
2) Non-Southern state residence94769.4
132) YRBORN recoded into age of respondent (AGE)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
133) Recode of AGE in categories (AGECAT)
1) 18 to 24 years old21415.7
2) 25 to 44 years old54139.6
3) 45 to 64 years old41230.2
4) 65 years or older17212.6
5) Don't know or refused261.9
134) Respondent's race (RACE)
1) White91867.2
2) Black/African Amer31022.7
3) Native Amer/Amer Indian50.4
4) Other1198.7
5) No answer141.0
135) Interview's length in categories (RCMIN)
1) Less 15 minutes123290.7
2) 15-19 minutes916.7
3) 20-29 minutes312.3
4) 30+ minutes50.4
136) Old code for US States (STATCALL)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
137) Recode of STATE16 to FIPS codes (STAT16FP)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
138) Gallup Org. Regionalization Recode of STATE (GALREG)
1) South41830.6
2) New England473.5
3) East Central21515.8
4) West Central956.9
5) Mountain States775.6
6) Middle Atlantic33424.5
7) Pacific Coast17913.1
139) AJC Regionalization (AJCREGN)
1) South41830.6
2) Northeast38127.9
3) Midwest31022.7
4) Far West25618.8
140) Educational attainment, Collapsed recode of EDUC (GRADE)
1) Less than Grade 9362.6
2) 9th to 11th Grade765.6
3) HS Grad41230.2
4) Some college37227.3
5) Coll Grad or more46334.0
6) No answer50.4
141) Liberal/Conservative recode (LCRECODE)
1) Strong lib13710.1
2) Not Str lib19414.2
3) Mod-lib1098.0
4) Moderate685.0
5) Mod-con19814.5
6) Not Str con17713.0
7) Strong con21816.0
8) No Pref1087.9
9) DK/NA15511.4
142) Residence in Deep South, Recode of STATE (DEEPSOU)
1) Deep South1168.5
2) Peripheral South30222.1
3) Non-South94769.4
143) Residence North/South, Recode of STATE16 (RESIDENT)
1) South39230.0
2) Border957.2
3) Non-South82062.8
144) Regional recode: State of residence (WHSTATE)
1) South41830.6
2) Border1249.1
3) Non-South82360.3
145) Recode for Party Identification (PIDRCODE)
1) Strong Democrat29321.5
2) Not very strong Democrat24317.8
3) Independent, close to Democrat886.5
4) Independent967.1
5) Independent, close to Republican957.0
6) Not very strong Republican18813.8
7) Strong Republican18713.7
8) Other party795.8
9) Don't know; No answer957.0
146) States FIPS codes (STATEFPS)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
147) State-county FIPS codes (numeric) (ST_CNTY)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
148) Respondent's religious preference--Recode of DENOM and RELAFFL (FAITH97X)
1) Baptist29921.9
2) Methodist1188.6
3) Lutheran705.2
4) Presbyterian443.2
5) Episcopalian261.9
6) Church of Christ141.0
7) Other Protestant25418.7
8) Catholic32123.5
9) Jewish372.7
10) Other674.9
11) None916.7
12) Don't know/No answer231.7
149) Religious Preference Recode (DENOM & RELAFFL) (FAITH)
1) Mainline Protestant57141.8
2) Other Protestant25418.7
3) Catholic32123.5
4) Jewish372.7
5) Other674.9
6) None916.7
7) Don't know/No answer231.7
150) Census (Consolidated) Metro Statistical Area (MSACMSA)
151) State-county FIPS codes (string variable) (ST_CNTY2)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
152) Respondent lives in Metro or Non-Metro county, Recode of COUNTY (NSMETRO)
0) Non-Metro30124.0
1) Metro95376.0
153) Interviewer's gender (INTGEN)
1) Male24217.7
2) Female112382.3
154) Interviewer's race (INTRACE)
1) White97271.2
2) Black/African Amer31122.8
4) Other826.0
155) Interviewer's accent (INTACC)
1) Strong Southern accent36726.9
2) Detectable Southern accent71252.2
3) No Southern accent28620.9
156) Interviewer Non-Southern accent (INTNSACC)
0) No non-Southern accent96871.0
1) Interviewer had a non-Southern accent39629.1
157) AGE recoded into AJC age categories (NEWAGE)
1) 18 thru 2421416.0
2) 25 thru 3425218.8
3) 35 thru 5455041.1
4) 55 or over32324.2
158) RACE recoded into AJC race categories (NEWRACE)
1) White91867.2
2) Black31022.7
4) All Others13710.1
159) Division between South and Non-South (including over-samples) (FINREG)
1) South (includes oversample)41830.6
2) North (includes oversample)\d94769.4
160) Weight for South (People/Mean HH Size for South) (WTVARS)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
161) Weight for Non-South (People/Mean HH Size for Non-South) (WTVARN)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
162) Weight for national estimates (accounts for Southern oversample and HH size) (TOTWT)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
163) Census weight for region (REGWT)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
164) Race weight (RACEWT)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
165) Gender weight (GENDWT)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
166) Age weight (AGEWT)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
167) Weight by HH size for entire South/Non-South sample (WTVAR)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
168) South Non-South comparisons weight (SSNSWT)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
169) Create national sample weight (NATWT)
 NMeanStd. Deviation
170) Recode of AGE in categories (Recoded for use with online analysis) (I-AGE)
1) 18 to 24 years old21416.0
2) 25 to 44 years old54140.4
3) 45 to 64 years old41230.8
4) 65 years or older17212.9
171) How many years of school have you completed? NOTE: This variable is collapsed into categories in the data set and is called GRADE (Recoded for use with online analysis) (I-EDUC)
1) 1st grade (or less)1128.2
2) 12th grade (High school)41230.3
3) Some college (Two year degree)37227.4
4) 4 year college graduate31022.8
5) Advanced degree (MA, PHD, LLD, MD)15311.3
172) Code the gender of the respondent [If you cannot tell, ask the respondent.] (for use with online analysis) (I-GENDER)
1) Male59443.5
2) Female77156.5
173) What is your religious affiliation -- Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, some other religion, or no religion? NOTE: Open-ended responses from those who answered 'SOME OTHER RELIGION' AND passed the screen in RELAFCHK are coded in the data set as OTHRELAF. (Recoded for use with online analysis) (I-RELIGION)
1) Protestant78358.4
2) Catholic31823.7
3) Jewish372.8
4) Some other religion (Specify)1128.4
5) No religion [Not religious/agnostic/atheist]916.8

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